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A lightweight & extensible file server with auth, upload and multithreaded download.

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This package is developed as an easy and quick mean to share files across my LAN with some more abilities like authorization / client upload / client range request.


  • User-friendly interactive prompts powered by prompts
  • Multithreaded download based on StreamSaver.js
  • Composing router logic & cascading middlewares in Koa style
  • HTTPS & HTTP over the same port

CMD Usage

The one-line way:

npx @edfus/file-server

Alternatively, you can install this package either globally or locally

npm install @edfus/file-server -g
npm install @edfus/file-server
cd node_modules/@edfus/file-server
git clone --depth 1 
cd file-server
npm install

And then run:

# global
# local
npm run serve

A default HTML main page will be used unless file index.html exists in the folder to be served.

Available command-line options:

  • --config [config_path]: The path to your preferred config location for retriving/creating/updating settings.
  • --password [passwd]: The optional password for encrypting and decrypting config file. Passwords set by the authorization prompt take priority over this.
  • --no-prompt: Skip the prompts, use possible or default settings.
  • --no-validate: Do not check whether a path is valid.
  • --no-fallback: Exits immediately when any misconfiguration has been found.
  • <folder_name>: The first unpaired, non-option command line argument will be treated as the <folder_name>, if exists. Specifying <folder_name> will skip the prompts, serve what you want directly using possible or default settings.

When a encrypted config is encountered, a To recall your previous configuration, enter the password prompt will always jump out regardless of the "will-skip-prompts" options being set or not. Specify --password passwd explicitly in this case.


serve .

npx @edfus/file-server /var/www/localhost/ --config /var/www/docker_volume/config 
serve --config /var/www/docker_volume/config --password K3qUrFS+h@G --no-prompt
npm run serve -- --no-prompt


  • -c: --config [config_path]
  • -p: --password [passwd]
  • -h: --help
  • -n: --no-prompt
  • -l, --loose: --no-validate
  • -e, --set-e: --no-fallback

Env Settings

See files in folder ./env/ for behaviors that you can customize.


Some quick start snippets:

import { App, Serve } from "@edfus/file-server";

const app = new App();
const services = new Serve().mount("./");

for (const service of services)

// simply sugar for http.createServer(app.callback()).listen();
app.listen(0, "localhost", function () {`File server is running at http://localhost:${this.address().port}`);
import { App, Serve } from "@edfus/file-server";

const app = new App();

  async (ctx, next) => {
    await next();
      new Date().toLocaleString(),

app.use(new Serve().mount("./doc").serveFile).listen(
  8080, "localhost", function () {`File server is running at http://localhost:${this.address().port}`);

This package has two named exports:


Class App is a minimal implementation of Koa.

Following properties are available in ctx for middlewares:

 * the prototype from which ctx is created.
 * You may add additional properties to ctx by editing app.context
interface BasicContext {
  app: App;
  /* parameter `properties` not supported */
  throw(status?: number, message?: string): void;
  /* parameter `properties` not supported */
  assert(shouldBeTruthy: any, status?: number, message?: string): void;

interface Context extends BasicContext {
  req: IncomingMessage;
  res: ServerResponse;
  state: {
    pathname: string;
    uriObject: URL;
  url: string;
  secure: boolean;
  ip: string;

See for more details.


Class Serve is the core of this package, loosely coupled.

class Serve {
  implementedMethods: ["GET", "PUT", "HEAD"];

   * sugar for
   * this.implementedMethods.includes(ctx.req.method)
   * if (ctx.state.pathname === "/api") {
   *   switch (ctx.state.uriObject.searchParams.get("action")) {
   *     case "list":
   *     case "get-list": return this.getList(ctx);
   *     case "upload": return this.uploadFile(ctx);
   *   }
   * }
   * this.serveFile
  [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<Middleware>;

  _getList(ctx: Context): Promise<void>;
  _uploadFile(ctx: Context): Promise<void>;
  _serveFile(ctx: Context): Promise<void>;

   * sugar for _getList with correct `this` reference
  getList(ctx: Context): Promise<void>;

   * sugar for _uploadFile with correct `this` reference
  uploadFile(ctx: Context): Promise<void>;

   * _serveFile with correct `this` reference.
   * Will silence errors with status 404
  serveFile(ctx: Context): Promise<void>;

   * sugar for
   * this.pathnameRouter.dir.push(pathname => join(directory, normalize(pathname)));
   * this.pathnameRouter.file.push(pathname => join(directory, normalize(pathname)));
  mount(directory: string): this;

  pathnameRouter: Router<string>;
  fileResHeadersRouter: Router<string>;
  routeThrough<T>(input: T, ...routers: SubRouter<T>): T;

  etag(stats: Stats): string;
  listCache: Map<string, object>;
  mimeCache: Map<string, string>;

Serve#pathnameRouter is where you can customize the routing logic. By default, following actions are used.

  pathnameRouter = {
    map: [
      pathname => pathMap.has(pathname) ? pathMap.get(pathname) : pathname,
    filter: [
      // hide all files starting with . in their names
      pathname => basename(pathname).startsWith(".") ? false : pathname
    fs: [
      pathname => pathname.replace(/<|>|:|"|\||\?|\*/g, "-")
    file: [
      pathname => pathname.endsWith("/") ? pathname.concat("index.html") : pathname
    dir: [
      pathname => pathname.endsWith("/") ? pathname : pathname.concat("/")


./lib/stream-saver is a modified version of StreamSaver.js, only browsers compatible with Transferable Streams are supported and a valid SSL certificate is required for service worker registration when serving via https (http is ok, though).

Strict CSP rules are applied for $indexHTML. Delete lines in Serve#fileResHeadersRouter.CSP in ./bin/cmd.mjs if needed.

App#callback trust proxy set headers by default (e.g. X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-For)

HTTP/2 is not supported.

console.error will be bound to App's intance if no error listener has been attached before invoking App#callback and a warning message will be displayed. This is the intended behavior inherited from Koa.


A lightweight & extensible file server with auth, upload and multithreaded download.



