Created by Eric Dufresne, Tyler Nevery.
This is the source code for the iOS app Bomb Voyage which was written in objective-C. All images and sounds were made by "Tyler Nevery" and all of the coding and distribution was done by me. The app has been on the app store since March 2015 and remains on there. This is the exact code that was submitted for the current version which is Bomb Voyage 2.2.0.
App Link:
- Xcode IDE on OSX
- IOS 8.0 or higher for running on device
#What you need to do to run with your own dev account/ ad accounts
- Go to project build settings and change developer account to your own
- Go to AppDelegate.h
- Change the keys for Google Analytics and any other third party libraries to your own
- Go to ViewController.h
- Change Admob unit IDs to your own for interstital ad as well as backup banner view