This is an advanved theme for CanvasLMS to create a highly visual style with the intent in engaging younger users. It is built using CSS and Javascript that can be uploaded through the themes interface in your Canvas admin screens.
Major changes introduced by this theme include
- Icon Driven Menus (SVGs)
- Video background on login screen
- Vibrant colorful visual style
- Use of Google webfonts (Lato and Lobster)
- STEP ONE: Download Kidzone Theme from Github (link below)
- STEP TWO: Upload /svgicons, /bg and /video folders to a public webspace
- STEP THREE: Edit kidzone.css to update URLS to the address listed above
- STEP FOUR: Log into to Canvas as an Admin and create a new Theme.
- STEP FIVE: Upload the kidzone.css and kidzone.js files to the theme.
- STEP SIX: Apply theme.
Important Note - This should be considered BETA code. Use at your own risk!