Classification of time series using Dynamic Time Warping algorithm with Recursion and Dynamic Programming.
The program gets trained with datasets which belong to classes and the program predicts to which classes other datasets belong. It also prints error rate and CPU time.
For implementation using Recursion:
$ gcc functions.c time_series_classification.c -o dtwrec
For implementation using Dynamic Programming:
$ gcc -DREC functions.c time_series_classification.c -o dtwdp
Using Recursion:
$ ./cat trainfile testfile | ./dtwrec limit > output
Using Dynamic Programming:
$ ./cat trainfile testfile | ./dtwdp limit > output
Examples with included train and test files:
$ ./cat train_FaceFour.txt test_FaceFour.txt | ./dtwdp 7
$ ./cat train_ECG5000.txt test_ECG5000.txt | ./dtwdp 45 > /dev/null