You need to have CCL installed first. Try:
pip install pyccl
Then you can install the master
branch via
pip install git+
firecrown compute <config file>
will run an example problem.
See the example in the examples folder for more details.
To use CosmoSIS to sample cosmological parameters, first install cosmosis-standalone. You will need to specify compilers on install, for example:
CC=gcc-7 CXX=g++-7 FC=gfortran pip install cosmosis-standalone
Currently the Clang compiler cannot compile cosmosis.
You can then run with:
cd examples
firecrown run-cosmosis cosmicshear.yaml
See the API documentation for details.
This software was developed within the LSSTDESC using LSST DESC resources, and so meets the criteria given in, and is bound by, the LSST DESC Publication Policy for being a “DESC product”. We welcome requests to access the code for non-DESC use; if you wish to use the code outside DESC please contact the developers.
The firecrown package is still under development and should be considered work in progress. If you make use of any of the ideas or software in this package in your own research, please cite them as "(LSST DESC, in preparation)" and provide a link to this repository: If you have comments, questions, or feedback, please make an issue.
firecrown calls the CCL library:, which makes
use of CLASS
. For free use of the CLASS
library, the CLASS
require that the CLASS
paper be cited:
CLASS II: Approximation schemes, D. Blas, J. Lesgourgues, T. Tram,
arXiv:1104.2933, JCAP 1107 (2011) 034.
repository can be found in CCL also uses
code from the FFTLog package. We
have obtained permission from the FFTLog author to include modified versions of
his source code.