Vanda Engine 2.9.9 is available for download:
Official website:
What's new:
- You can now use the string "this" for the first parameter of the following functions:
- DeletePrefabInstance(string prefabInstanceName)
- ScaleGUIButton(string GUIName, string buttonName, double scaleValue)
- ScaleGUIImage(string GUIName, string imageName, double scaleValue)
- HideGUIButton(string GUIName, string buttonName)
- HideGUIImage(string GUIName, string imageName)
- HideGUIText(string GUIName, string textName)
- ShowGUIButton(string GUIName, string buttonName)
- ShowGUIImage(string GUIName, string imageName)
- ShowGUIText(string GUIName, string textName)
- int,int GetGUIButtonPosition(string GUIName, string buttonName)
- int,int GetGUIImagePosition(string GUIName, string imageName)
- int,int GetGUITextPosition(string GUIName, string textName)
- SetGUIButtonPosition(string GUIName, string buttonName, int x, int y)
- SetGUIImagePosition(string GUIName, string imageName, int x, int y)
- SetGUITextPosition(string GUIName, string textName, int x, int y)
You can find the specification of these functions as well as their examples in the Scripting Reference Manual (please open Vanda Engine editor and go to Help > Scripting Reference Manual menu)