Vanda Engine 2.7.0
Vanda Engine 2.7.0 is available for download:
Official website:
What's new:
- Added the following scripting APIs for terrain object:
- GetTerrainAmbient()
- GetTerrainDiffuse()
- GetTerrainSpecular()
- GetTerrainShininess()
- Added the following scripting APIs for engine camera object. Note that you can use "this" string for engineCameraName. In this case, "this" string points to the engine camera object you attached the script to:
SetEngineCameraPosition(string engineCameraName, float x, float y, float z)
SetEngineCameraPan(string engineCameraName, float pan)
SetEngineCameraTilt(string engineCameraName, float tilt)
SetEngineCameraNearClipPlane(string engineCameraName, float nearClipPlane)
SetEngineCameraFarClipPlane(string engineCameraName, float farClipPlane)
SetEngineCameraAngle(string engineCameraName, float angle)
GetEngineCameraPosition(string engineCameraName)
GetEngineCameraPan(string engineCameraName)
GetEngineCameraTilt(string engineCameraName)
GetEngineCameraNearClipPlane(string engineCameraName)
GetEngineCameraFarClipPlane(string engineCameraName)
GetEngineCameraAngle(string engineCameraName)
- Added the following scripting APIs for light object. Note that you can use "this" string for lightObjectName. In this case, "this" string points to the light object you attached the script to:
- GetLightAmbient(string lightObjectName)
- GetLightDiffuse(string lightObjectName)
- GetLightSpecular(string lightObjectName)
- GetLightShininess(string lightObjectName)
To see examples, please refer to file.