Timeline for the crime incidents which has happened in the WashingtonDC State of United States of America in the Year 2018. (Final Output can be seen : Here)
- Crime Incident Data : Taken from Data-World
- Washington Grid Data : Taken from the DC Goverment wesbite
- Data was parsed into the EPSG4326 format. More details about WGS1984 can be found here
- Both the data was asserted to have the same CRS format.
- Crime Data had timestamp in object format, and had to be converted to DT object where the Month was extracted to group the data month wise.
- Esri shape file doesn't support datatime, and hence the datatime column had to be removed.
magick convert -delay 60 -loop 0 CasesInJanuary.jpg CasesInFebruary.jpg CasesInMarch.jpg CasesInApril.jpg CasesInMay.jpg CasesInJune.jpg CasesInJuly.jpg CasesInAugust.jpg CasesInSeptember.jpg CasesInOctober.jpg CasesInNovember.jpg CasesInDecember.jpg WashingtonDC_CrimeIncidents_2018Timeline.gif