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Architecture Simulator

This repository contains a modular computer architecture simulator designed for education, which provides a visualization of the processor internals while executing machine code instructions. The simulator is implemented in python and can be executed on the command line or in a web browser with the help of pyodide. The simulation and web user interface are executed locally in the browser environment, so no server backend for processing user input is needed.

The original implementation was developed as part of the team project course in the summer semester 2023 at the University of Tübingen.


  • Code editor for assembly code
  • Step through the code execution cycle by cycle
  • Structure diagrams of the processor that show current signals and values
  • Help page containing information about all supported instructions and special assembly syntax (like labels and pseudo instructions)
  • Support for data section to preload values into the memory
  • L1 data and instruction cache simulation and visualization for RISC-V
  • The default ISA can be selected with the GET parameter isa which can be one of riscv or toy.

Supported Architectures

    • Single cycle execution
    • 5-staged pipeline with hazard detection
  • Simple toy architecture, based on Microcoded vs. hard-wired control by Philip Koopman, 1997.
    • Two-cycle execution for every instruction
    • Support for self modifying code

Setup dev environment

docker development environment

You can use docker for development. The script builds a docker image containing all dependencies, builds the python and js packages and starts a preview server.

git clone
cd architecture-simulator

local development environment

  • Linux / WSL / macOS
  • VSCode as editor
  • install pyenv (tutorial)
  • install Python 3.10 via pyenv
  • install nvm
  • install nodejs/npm
  • set Python versions to 3.10.8
  • initialize and activate venv
  • install development requirements
  • install pre-commit hooks
  • install package in editable mode and package dependencies
pyenv install 3.10.8
nvm install v20.10.0
git clone
cd architecture-simulator
pyenv local 3.10.8
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install
pip install -e .

Build packages

Use the script to build the packages.

./ build

GUI dev environment

We use the js framework Vue.js with Vite as build tool. Use the script to build the python package and start a development server.

./ dev

For debugging we recommend using chrome/chromium. You can use the given vscode launch configuration.

Branch Naming Convention

  • main
  • dev
  • devel/* all branches for feature development
  • fix/* all branches that fix bugs

Generating Assembly Code

tar -xvf xpack-riscv-none-elf-gcc-12.2.0-3-linux-x64.tar.gz
sudo mkdir -p /opt/riscv
sudo mv xpack-riscv-none-elf-gcc-12.2.0-3 /opt/riscv/
echo 'export PATH="/opt/riscv/xpack-riscv-none-elf-gcc-12.2.0-3/bin:${PATH}"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
  • Use GCC compiler to generate assembly from C programs in tests/c_programs
make -C tests/c_programs all