Rust command line tool for the mpk mini.
mpk-mini-ctl 0.1.1
Eldad Zack <[email protected]>
AKAI MPK Mini mkII Control Tool
Usage: mpk-mini-ctl [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
snoop Snoop MIDI messages
passthrough Passthrough (while snooping) MIDI messages
show-bank Show bank settings
show-ram Show current active settings (RAM)
read-file Read yaml bank descriptor from file and display it
dump-bank-settings Dump bank settings as yaml
dump-ram-settings Dump current active settings (RAM) as yaml
load-bank Read yaml bank descriptor from file and apply it on a bank
load-ram Read yaml bank descriptor from file and apply it to active settings (RAM)
autocompletion Install local bash auto-completion
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
--debug Prints debugging information
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version