This library is used to test the EMAC function of TAIJIUINO Due Pro R2.
This library is develop by Palliser from Arduino forum, and it is not the final version. Forum Discussion.
Palliser's github, Palliser think the code is not perfect enough, so he didn't upload these codes at present.
We upload it here just want to make a demo to our users.
Place emac.h rstc.h ----> ...\arduino-1.5.2-windows\arduino-1.5.2\hardware\arduino\sam\system\libsam\include
emac.c rstc.c ----> ...\arduino-1.5.2-windows\arduino-1.5.2\hardware\arduino\sam\system\libsam\source respectively
variant.cpp and variant.h ---> ...\arduino-1.5.2-windows\arduino-1.5.2\hardware\arduino\sam\variants\arduino_due_x, arduino_due_x folder alread have variant.cpp and variant.h, you need replace them, back up first.
emac.h, rstc.h, emac.c, rstc.c, variant.cpp and variant.h are in CopyToAnotherDir
Copy EMAC folder to $ArduionScketch/libraries
Connect DUE Ethernet Module with TAIJIUINO Due Pro R2, open example Arduino_Due_EMAC_Mod, upload it to TAIJIUINO Due Pro R2.
Set your PC ip address to, submask, gate way Connect your PC and DUE Ethernet Module through network cable. Restart your TaijiDue, wait for the connection is established. Ping, and the result: