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Making a new release

Anton Kozhevnikov edited this page Jan 13, 2023 · 5 revisions

Updating master branch

Master branch is updated only via pull-requests from the develop branch. To update master branch please follow the following steps:

  • Make sure that develop branch is green-lighted, i.e. all CI/CD tests pass
  • Open PR to master
  • Wait for all CI/CD tests to pass again
  • Once the develop branch is merged, create a release with the corresponding version number
  • Start a new version in develop : update CMakeLists.txt and

Basically, each PR to master should finish the current version and a new version should start in develop.

Updating develop branch

Develop branch is updated via pull-requests. Direct write to develop is discouraged in general, only when the change is really small and obvious (for example a version change, fix in comment, etc.).

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