✔️ Upload a custom logo for the admin login screen
✔️ Upload a custom logo for the admin menu
✔️ Maintains brand presence on the admin pages
✔️ Easily revert to default logos
✔️ Built in accordance with Magento best practises
✔️ Dedicated module configuration group
✔️ Seamless integration with Magento
✔️ Built with developers and extensibility in mind to make customisations as easy as possible
✔️ Installable via Composer
Run the following command to install this module:
composer require element119/module-custom-admin-logo
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Run the following command to update this module:
composer update element119/module-custom-admin-logo
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Run the following command to uninstall this module:
composer remove element119/module-custom-admin-logo
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Module configuration can be found by logging into the admin and navigating to Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Admin -> Admin Logos
The login page upload allows administrators to upload an image that will be displayed on the admin login page.
Permitted files types include jpg, jpeg, gif, png.
The menu upload allows administrators to upload an image that will be displayed at the top of the admin menu.
Permitted files types include jpg, jpeg, gif, png.