install VsCode Editor :
Extensions : Live Server / Github
Create an account github :
installer git :
Common git commands :
Each meeting we create a branch to save our code
A game to learn Flex :
Some HTML tags :
- headings (
) - paragraph
- bold
, italic<em>
- ordered list
, unordered list<ul>
, list item<li>
- break
, horizontal rule<hr>
- image
and attributes:src
- anchor
<a href="">
- option
- option
<!-- -->
- text-align
- border
- background
- list-style
- cursor
- display
- color
Text Properties
- text-decoration
- text-transform
- line-height
- font-style
- font-weight
- font-size
- font-family
Box Model
- margin
- border
- padding
- width
- height
- display: flex
- flex-direction
- flex-wrap
- flex-flow
- justify-content
- align-items
- align-content
- order
- flex: flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis
- align-self
Javascript types:
- Number
- String
- Boolean
- Undefined
- Null
- Object
Javascript comparisons:
- !==
- ===
- >=
- <=
- >
- <
Javascript variables:
- var
- let
- const
Javascript conditionals:
- if
- else
- else if
- ternary operator
- switch
Javascript logical operators:
- &&
- ||
- !
Javascript functions:
- var a = function name() {}
- function name() {}
- return
- () =>
Javascript data structures:
- Array
- Object
Javascript looping:
- for
- while
- do
- forEach
Javascript keywords:
- break
- case
- catch
- class
- const
- continue
- debugger
- default
- delete
- do
- else
- export
- extends
- finally
- for
- function
- if
- import
- in
- instanceof
- new
- return
- super
- switch
- this
- throw
- try
- typeof
- var
- void
- while
- with
- yield
How to get an element :
- document.getElementById(id)
- document.getElementsByTagName(name)
- document.getElementsByClassName(name)
- document.querySelector(class or id or tag)
Make change to html or css content :
- element.innerHTML = new html content
- element.attribute = new value
- = new style
- element.setAttribute(attribute, value)
Create or remove elements :
- document.createElement(element)
- document.removeChild(element)
- elmnt.remove(); ( ghaliban mktkhdmch st3mlo removeChild )
- element.appendChild(element)
- element.insertBefore(neWelement, child)
- document.replaceChild(new, old)
- document.write(text)
Event LIstenners :
- document.getElementById(id).onclick = function(){code}
- element.addEventListener(event, function, useCapture);
- element.removeEventListener(event, myFunction);
- onEvent in HTML
Find all elements of specific type ( makanst3mloch hado bzef ) :
- document.anchors
- document.body
- document.forms
- document.images
- document.title
- document.forms["id"]
Navigating Between Nodes :
- parentNode
- childNodes[nodenumber]
- firstChild
- lastChild
- nextSibling
- previousSibling
- nodeValue
- nodeName
- nodeType
Reference websites:
Variable declaration:
let variableName
/* its value can be alteredconst variableName
/* it stands for constant, its value can't be altered once declared``
/* are used instead of''
. Allows us to avoid the "+" separation and elements and variables should be added with syntax${element}
/* it stands for a to the b potenceelement.padStart(param1,param2)
/* param1 number of characters param2 are added before the value of element declared. The default param2 is" "
/* Same as above but at the end.trimStart()
/* eliminates empty spaces from the start of a variable.trimEnd()
/* Same as above but from the enddebugger;
/* Stops running the code and opens console for a step by step check
- Function declaration syntax:
const functionname=(param1,param2...) => action
/* If there is an only return, there is no need to type "return" and if it's just one parameter, no need to add"()"
- Currying:
const functionname= param1 => param2 => action
/* To properly call function syntax is:functionname (param1)(param2)
- Compose:
const functionname= (param2,param3) => param1 => param2(param3(param1))
/* Being param2 and 3 functions y param1 a value. Executes a function inside a function executed with the initial param1
/* For each element num of the array, executes the actions inside {}>{})
/* For each element num in the array, executes actions inside {} and return needs to be specified since the return will be placed in a new array.array.filter(num=>{})
/* For each element num of the array a condition is checked. If the value turns out true, it will be added to teh new array. Return needs to be specifiedarray.reduce((accumulator,num)=>{}, param3)
/* Acumulates values of the operation performed in previous elements, param3 beinf the initial value of the acumulatorarray.concat(param1)
/* Concats param1 to the arrayarray.includes('param1')
/* Verifies the array includes param1array.flat(param1)
/* Elminates the nested arrays to a param1 levelarray.flatMap(param1=>{})
/* For each element num, the operation inside {} is performed and the array is lowered to a level 1 nestingarray.fromEntries
/* Turns the array into an object, making the first element of the array the property and the second the value of such property
const(/let) {property1, property2,...} = obj
/* Given an object obj, keeps the value of the properties in new variables property1, property2,...etc{...obj}
/* Creates a clone object of the object objObject.assign(param1,param2)
/* Clones the lements of an object param2 in an object param1Object.values(obj)
/* Takes the values of the properties of an object objObject.entries(obj)
/* returns an array with property,value of each element of an object obj /*.entries
can be used with array methods such
, etc.this
/* when using this parameter, the method/action is applied exclusively to the element in which "this" has been summoned.
- Class creator syntax:
Classname {
constructor (param1,param2){
this.param1= value;
this.param2= value2;
Create class object syntax:
new Classname(param1,param2)
Class extention syntax:
Classextension extends Classname {
- for of:
for (param1 of array){}
/* It's a for loop in an array and an action over the element number param1 in an array array - for in:
for (param1 in obj) {}
/* It's a for loop of the properties and an action over the property number param1 in an object obj
Hello world program :
What do u need ?
- MAC or Win :
- Win (lighadi nkhdem bih ana ) :
Syntax :
- A PHP script starts with
---> a variable starts with the $ sign :
- define("constant name", value);
---> local, global, static ?
global $x; //The global keyword is used to access a global variable from within a function.
$GLOBALS['y'] = 0; //PHP also stores all global variables in an array called $GLOBALS[index].
static $x = 0; //sometimes we want a local variable NOT to be deleted. We need it for a further job.
Data types var_dump($x); //To know variable type
---> objects in PHP ---> strings in PHP
- strlen("string") //function returns the length of a string.
- str_word_count("sentence") //function counts the number of words in a string.
- strrev("string") //function reverses a string.
- strpos("sentence","string") //function searches for a specific text within a string.
- str_replace("old string","new string","sentence") //function replaces some characters with some other characters in a string.
---> numbers in PHP
- is_int(), is_float(), is_numeric()
- is_finite(), is_infinite()
- is_nan()
- cast string to int => $int_cast = (int)$string_var;
---> Math in PHP
- pi() //3.14....
- abs(), sqrt(), round(), rand(),
- min(), max()
---> statements o loops ol3ibat
if statement
if...else statement
if...elseif...else statement
switch () { case : break; default: }
foreach ($array as $value) {}
---> pointeurs hhhh ---> arrays
array() function is used to create an array.
count() function is used to return the length (the number of elements) of an array.
sort() - sort arrays in ascending order
rsort() - sort arrays in descending order
asort() - sort associative arrays in ascending order, according to the value
ksort() - sort associative arrays in ascending order, according to the key
arsort() - sort associative arrays in descending order, according to the value
krsort() - sort associative arrays in descending order, according to the key
---> A Simple HTML Form
$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] is a super global variable that returns the filename of the currently executing script.
security : and next chapters
- session_start(); // start a session, so you can use $_SESSION
- $db = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'data base name');
- isset($_POST['variable']) // check if null
- isset($_GET['variable']) // check if null
- mysqli_query($db,$query) // execute a query
- header() // redirect
- while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($results)) // fetch data as rows
- count($results)
- check errors
<?php foreach ($errors as $error) : ?>
<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
<span class="err"><?php echo $error ?></span>
<?php endforeach ?>
- create a pdo
$dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=elgalivreur';
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, 'root', '');
- fetch rows :
$result = $pdo->prepare($query);
$result->execute([$email , $password]);
$user = $result->fetch();