This repository contains a collection of community curated documents describing known deployment configurations for OKD. The information is categorized by deployment platform/style and installation options. At a minimum, these guides describe the necessary infrastructure and configuration for an OKD deployment. Where possible, the guides go into deeper detail about installation and deployment options and proceedures used by the authors.
These guides serve as a common place for sharing platform configurations, and exposing more of the tribal knowledge that has been aquired by developers and operators working closely with OKD.
The files in this repository are divided into directories for each specific deployment platform or style. Within each directory are Markdown files for different deployment scenarios. For example, most platforms will have a "Default IPI" document which describes the configuration for a cluster that has been created using the OpenShift installer with a minimal configuration file.
Contributions to the notes are welcomed through pull requests from forked versions of this repository.
When proposing a new guide, please use the Guide Template to create your content.
You should place your content in a platform directory associated with your specific deployment. You
should name your document using the installation method and brief descriptive text of the options
you are detailing. For example, if writing about deploying in a disconnected network scenario, you might
create a file named
. If you are documenting your personal "home lab" setup,
please use your github username in the filename, for example
And if all else fails, please do not hesitate to open your pull request and start a discussions with your questions and concerns about implementation.