An event to learn how to PWN (own) the future of web development via component libraries!
- 2 days, during the week, early summer, PGH near CMU/Pit preferrably
- Unconference format w/ anchors
- Anchor talks help bring the group together around central ideas
- Theme for each day which isn't held to but can help get ppl thinking of topics to propose when they show up
- Day 1 is that the future is bright, vibrant and pluggable because of the "Lego"ing of front end development
- Day 2 is focused on progressive web apps, application development, and web as compiled into native app environments
- Think of the difference as "let's focus on the pieces" vs "now let's focus on the sets we can build"
- A facilitator ensures everyone knows the purpose and rules of the engagement (Referee of sorts)
- A template of a schedule is released ahead of time but is blank
- Attendeeds work together the morning of each day to construct the schedule dynamically
- People are free to move between discussions / talks and propose them / update them throughout the day
- The anchor talk are talks designed to bring everyone together to form a common experience in the more traditional presentation / speaking / lecture format
- Anchor talks are intended to ensure attendees get a rich experience and understanding of technologies they may have never used before, as explained by someone who works in that space
- The goal is to expose parallel communities without overlap to one another's concepts, methods and tooling to increase awareness of what's out there
- Background of the library / project / approach
- Pros / Cons of the approach
- Who's doing it
- Examples of the speaker(s) work illustrating it in action
- Demo of the tooling / commands needed to get started
- 1 page white paper
- Overview of everything above in 1 page
- Links to project / docs / tooling repos
- Links to resources to get up and going
- Link / data about the speakers for connecting after
- Page is handed out physically to people that want it + link to same info on the web
- Goal of the anchor talk is to learn about specific technology to enough detail in order to get started with it or to explain to a team why that technology should be considered for the next project.
- Morning, coffee / show up
- 30 min, say hi, explain an unconference and make the schedule 9 - 9:30
<slot name="one">
9:30 - 10:10<slot name="two">
10:20 - 11:00<a name="webcomponents">
- Anchor talk 1; Web components 11:00 - 12:00<lunch-time>
- 12:00 - 1:30<slot name="three">
1:30 - 2:10<slot name="four">
2:20 - 3:00<a name="vue">
- Anchor talk 2; VueJS 3:00 - 4:00- debrief / exchange contact info 4:10 - 4:45
- Some place in the area, informal
- Morning, coffee / show up
- 30 min, say hi, explain an unconference and make the schedule 9 - 9:30
<slot name="one">
9:30 - 10:10<slot name="two">
10:20 - 11:00<a name="react">
- Anchor talk 3; React 11:00 - 12:00<lunch-time>
- 12:00 - 1:30<slot name="three">
1:30 - 2:10<slot name="four">
2:20 - 3:00<a name="angular">
- Anchor talk 4; Angular 3:00 - 4:00- debrief / exchange contact info 4:10 - 4:45
- Some place in the area, informal