Hello Icemint team. This is the starter kit bootstraped with Next.js for server-rendered or statically-exported React apps, Redux for state management, Flow for static types, PostCSS for styles, ESLint, Stylelint, Prettier for linting and format your code with config-standard.
Clone repo:
git clone https://github.com/romannmk/paper.git cd icemint-next-starter
Make it your own:
rm -rf .git && git init
ℹ️ This re-initializes the repo.
Install the dependencies:
yarn install
Start a live-reload development server:
yarn dev
Generate a production build:
yarn build
Start the production server
yarn start
Run Flow
yarn flow
yarn eslint
yarn stylelint
ℹ️ For linting install the plugin for your editor.
ℹ️ For linting via console need install --global ESLint and Stylelint
I'm open to contributions & suggestions in making this a lot better ✋