The storage access can be controlled by third-party applications by using the following API methods from Emteria Storage SDK:
- Retrieve information about available application packages
- Invoke download of the chosen application in the background
- Invoke a silent installation of the chosen application in the background
Third-party applications can retrieve a combined list of available and installed packages by inheriting from the following class and providing an implementation for its abstract methods:
public abstract class PackageListManager
* Callback that must be implemented to receive available packages.
* @param packages a HashMap where
* - the key is the android package name
* - the value is a list of corresponding AppPackage(s)
public abstract void onReceive(HashMap<String, List<AppPackage>> packages);
* Callback that must be implemented to receive errors when trying to get available packages
* @param error The error message
public abstract void onFailure(String error);
Use the following methods to connect to the external service and retrieve the list of application packages: then the following method needs to be called:
* Establish the connection to the service.
public final boolean bind(Context context);
* Start retrieving all available packages (installed on the device and downloadable)
* @param repoName the emteria hosted Fdroid repo name
* @throws ServiceNotBoundException if the storage service is not bound
public void getPackages(String repoName) throws ServiceNotBoundException;
* Start retrieving of all available packages for emteria S3 storage (installed on the device and downloadable)
* the authentication will be done through jwt which requires an activated device
* @throws ServiceNotBoundException if the storage service is not bound
public void getPackages() throws ServiceNotBoundException
* Terminate the connection to the service.
public final void unbind(Context context);
The AppPackage
class provides information about the found application like the exact version string and used permissions:
* Class that represents an Application that is or can be installed.
public class AppPackage implements Serializable
* If the file is stored on the Emteria S3 server it gets a unique id
private String id = null;
public String getId()
return id;
* Date when the AppPackage was added to the storage entity.
private Long added = 0L;
public Long getAdded()
return added;
* Name of the .apk file.
private String apkName = null;
public String getApkName()
return apkName;
* Hash value of the .apk file.
private String hash = null;
public String getHash()
return hash;
* Type of the {@link #hash} value eg. sha256.
private String hashType = null;
public String getHashType()
return hashType;
* Minimal SDK Version required for this package.
private int minSdkVersion = -1;
public int getMinSdkVersion()
return minSdkVersion;
* List of supported instruction sets eg. arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64.
private List<String> nativeCode = null;
public List<String> getNativeCode()
return nativeCode;
* The name of the package eg
private String packageName = null;
public String getPackageName()
return packageName;
* The signature of the package can be found as "Signer #1 certificate SHA-256 digest" from the output of the "apksigner verify --print-certs apk" command.
private String signer = null;
public String getSigner()
return signer;
* Size of the .apk file.
private int size = -1;
public int getSize()
return size;
* The target sdk version of this package.
private int targetSdkVersion = -1;
public int getTargetSdkVersion()
return targetSdkVersion;
* List of required permissions first string is the permission and second string represents the sdk version.
private List<List<String>> usedPermissions = null;
public List<List<String>> getUsedPermissions()
return usedPermissions;
* Integer version code.
private int versionCode = -1;
public int getVersionCode()
return versionCode;
* Version name to display.
private String versionName = null;
public String getVersionName()
return versionName;
* Indicates if a package is installed on the system.
private boolean isInstalled = false;
public boolean isInstalled()
return isInstalled;
* Path where the .apk file is downloaded. null for not downloaded .apk files.
private String localDownloadPath = null;
public String getLocalDownloadPath()
return localDownloadPath;
* Contains auto- and user-generated metadata
private List<Tag> userdata = null;
public List<Tag> getUserdata()
return userdata;
* Specify the repo name where the file comes from
private String repoName = null;
public String getRepoName()
return repoName;
The AppPackage class has a field userdata represented by a list of Tags. A Tag is defined here:
public static class Tag implements Serializable
private String key = null;
public String getKey()
return key;
private String type = null;
public String getType()
return type;
private String value = null;
public String getValue()
return value;
Applications can be downloaded in the background without interfering with the normal OS operation. To invoke the download of a specific application package, third-party applications must provide an implementation inheriting the following class:
public abstract class PackageDownloadManager
* Establish the connection to the service.
public final boolean bind(Context context);
* Starts the download request of a given AppPackage
* @param appPackage the Package to download
* @throws ServiceNotBoundException if the StorageService is not bound before calling
public void downloadPackage(AppPackage appPackage) throws ServiceNotBoundException
* Terminate the connection to the service.
public final void unbind(Context context);
Implement the following methods to handle download results:
* Callback that must be implemented to receive the downloaded package
* @param appPackage The downloaded AppPackage
public abstract void onDownloadFinished(AppPackage appPackage);
* Callback that must be implemented to react on failed downloads
* @param appPackage the AppPackage where the download failed
* @param error The Message why the installation failed
public abstract void onDownloadFailed(AppPackage appPackage, String error);
* Callback that must be implemented to react on Progress changes
* @param appPackage the package where the progress changed
* @param progress value of the new progress value in %
public abstract void onProgressChanged(AppPackage appPackage, int progress);
After a successful download, applications can be silently installed on the device. Third-party applications must implement a class extending the following class:
'''java public abstract class PackageInstallManager extends AbstractManager '''
The installation can be started by calling the following API method:
* Establish the connection to the service.
public final boolean bind(Context context);
* Start the installation of a given AppPackage
* @param appPackage The package to be installed
* @throws ServiceNotBoundException if the storage service is not bound
public void installPackage(AppPackage appPackage) throws ServiceNotBoundException;
* Terminate the connection to the service.
public final void unbind(Context context);
To handle installation results the following methods need to be implemented:
* Callback that must be implemented to get successful installation result
* @param appPackage the package that got installed
public abstract void onInstallSuccessful(AppPackage appPackage);
* Callback that must be implemented to get notification about failed installation
* @param appPackage The package where the installation failed
* @param error The Message why the installation failed
public abstract void onInstallFailed(AppPackage appPackage, String error);