GitLab yaml pipeline repository with some specific use cases. Used official documentation referenced as a comment on each yaml file.
- bash-workarounds Pipeline with some examples escaping bash or yaml limitations
- cache-between-jobs Pipeline sharing dependencies, code and reports generated on one job to the next one
- conditional-jobs Pipeline with 4 jobs with different conditionals: -- runs on master branch -- on non-master branches, and if commit message does not contain [new-feature-release] between brackets" -- manual push -- disabled job
- docker-custom-image creating custom docker image example, pushed to GitLab project registry: -- 1) generating a custom docker image -- 2) running jobs on that custom image
- git-reference-cache git reference cache ("git clone --reference") usage example, optimization passing from 50 to 8 min running time: -- 1) generating one custom docker image, with a full git clone on a local folder -- 2) using that custom image, running a "git clone --reference" pointing to that folder
- git-swallow-clone pipeline specifying a swallow clone ("git clone --depth 1") at project and job level, optimization passing from 43 to 1 min running time
- notification-on-failure pipeline with a jobs sending notifications to a slack notification (by curl) on pipeline start, on failure and on success
- pipeline-include-template yaml template example: -- 1) working like a "shared library", containing some common used commands -- 2) importing that shared pipeline, and refering that common parts
- pipeline-multi-project example of how to trigger one pipeline as a job from another pipeline (multi project pipeline)
- vars-array pipeline reading variable values from predefined values like an array
- vars-between-jobs pipeline passing variable values from one job to another one, using dotnet artifacts