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The WPSS Validation Tool provides web developers and quality assurance testers the ability to perform a number of web site and web page validation tasks at one time. The tool crawls a site to find all of the documents then analyses each document with a number of validation tools.
Version 4.0.1 contains the following updates and additions
- Add open data checking tool (open_data_check.pl and desktop shortcut) to check open dataset files (dictionary, data, resources).
- Do case insensitive checks on titles to find matching HTML and PDF versions of a document.
- Allow for binary data in CSV files (e.g. new-line in the cell content).
- Report Interoperability failure for web feeds that do not parse properly - SWI_B.
- Check for table headers that reference undefined headers or headers outside the current table - WCAG_2.0-H43.
- Check for all language markers to determine if a page is archived or not (handles the case where wrong language message is used).
- Encode text that is written to results tabs, this eliminates garbled French characters.
- Report unknown mime-type documents as non-HTML primary format.
- Accept enter key in URL list tab to move to the next input line.
- Check for very long (> 500 characters) title and heading text - WCAG_2.0-H42, WCAG_2.0-H25
- Don't report zoom failure for fix size fonts as current browsers can handle this - WCAG_2.0-G142
- Decode HTML entities before checking the length of titles and headings to eliminate the length of the HTML code from the actual text length.
Reminder: The WPSS Tool DOES NOT validate HTML5 markup.
The tool installer, WPSS_Tool.exe, does NOT include the required Perl or Python installers (as was the case for previous releases). Perl and Python must be installed on the workstation prior to installing the WPSS_Tool.
Supported versions of Perl include
- ActiveState Perl 5.14 (does not support 5.16)
- Strawberry Perl 5.18 (32 bit) available from http://strawberry-perl.googlecode.com/files/strawberry-perl-
Supported versions of Python include
- Python 2.7.3
- Python 2.7.6 available from http://python.org/ftp/python/2.7.6/python-2.7.6.msi
The WPSS_Tool has been tested on the following platforms
- Windows XP (32 bit), ActiveState Perl 5.14, Python 2.7.3
- Windows XP (32 bit), Strawberry Perl 5.18, Python 2.7.3
- Windows XP (32 bit), Strawberry Perl 5.18, Python 2.7.6
- Windows 7 (64 bit), Strawberry Perl 5.18 (32 bit), Python 2.7.3
The WPSS Tool installer is available as a release in this repository
- https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew-wpss/releases/download/4.0.1/WPSS_Tool.exe ======= WPSS Validation Tool version 4.6.0 ======= WPSS Validation Tool version 5.0.1
upstream/master ======= WPSS Validation Tool version 5.2.0 upstream/master
The Web and Open Data Validator (formerly the WPSS Validation Tool) provides web developers and quality assurance testers the ability to perform a number of web site, web page validation and Open data validation tasks at one time.
Web Tool
- Change program folder and program names in Windows start menu. Folder is "Web and Open Data Validator",
tools are "Web Tool" and "Open Data Tool".
- Update Core Subject Thesaurus to July 4, 2016 version - DC Subject
- Add a PhantomJS markup server program to remain active for an analysis run and save the delays in
starting PhantomJS for each page retrieved.
- When merging link details from original markup and generated markup, use line/column information
from the generated markup.
Open Data_Tool
- Check for duplicate rows in CSV file - OD_CSV_1
- Check for duplicate columns in CSV file - OD_CSV_1
- If an XML data file contains a schema specification using the xsi:schemaLocation or
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute, validate the XML against the schema - OD_3
- Check for BOM (Byte Order Mark) in all text files - OD_TP_PW_BOM
- If an XML data file contains a DOCTYPE declaration, validate the XML against the DOCTYPE - OD_3
- Generate a dataset inventory CSV file containing details of the dataset files (URL, size, mime-type, etc).
- Check the alternate language versions of CSV datafiles contain the same number of columns - OD_CSV_1
Version 6.2.0 contains the following updates and additions
- Prefix all temporary file names with WPSS_TOOL_ for easy deletion.
- Update Core Subject Thesaurus to July 4, 2016 version - DC Subject
- Move supporting programs to a bin folder from the top level folder.
- Add a PhantomJS markup server program to remain active for an analysis
run and save the delays in starting PhantomJS for each page retrieved.
- Change tool name to "Web and Open Data Validator" to better describe
the purpose of the tool.
- When merging link details from original markup and generated markup,
use line/column information from the generated markup.
- Change program folder and program names in Windows start menu. Folder
is "Web and Open Data Validator", tools are "Web Tool" and
"Open Data Tool".
- Check for duplicate rows in CSV file - OD_CSV_1
- Check for duplicate columns in CSV file - OD_CSV_1
- Remove API specific testcase identifiers
- If an XML data file contains a schema specification using the
xsi:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute,
validate the XML against the schema - OD_3
- Use custom CSV file parser to avoid potential error in Text::CSV
module and quoted fields with greater than 32K characters.
- Check for BOM (Byte Order Mark) in all text files - OD_TP_PW_BOM
- If an XML data file contains a DOCTYPE declaration, validate
the XML against the DOCTYPE - OD_3
- Replace the xsd-validator tool with the Xerces tool to validate
XML against schema or a DOCTYPE.
- Check for a DOCTYPE or schema specification in XML files - OD_3
- Validate XML content against data patterns specified in the
data dictionary - OD_XML_1
- Update JSON open data description URL handling due to changes in
the open.canada.ca site.
- Generate a dataset inventory CSV file containing details of the
dataset files (URL, size, mime-type, etc).
- Check the alternate language versions of CSV datafiles contain the
same number of columns - OD_CSV_1
The tool installer, WPSS_Tool.exe, does NOT include the required Perl or Python installers (as was the case for previous releases). Perl and Python must be installed on the workstation prior to installing the WPSS_Tool.
Supported versions of Perl include
- Strawberry Perl 5.18 (32 bit) available from http://strawberry-perl.googlecode.com/files/strawberry-perl-
Supported versions of Python include
- Python 2.7.6 available from http://python.org/ftp/python/2.7.6/python-2.7.6.msi
The WPSS_Tool has been tested on the following platforms
- Windows 7 (32 bit), Strawberry Perl 5.18 (32 bit), Python 2.7.6
The WPSS Tool installer is available as a release in this repository <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD
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