Cloth Shop it's an example using Flutter for Android and iOS.
This repository serves the source code for the Ecommers sample mobile app for iOS and Android.
- Ensure Flutter SDK is installed correctly,
flutter doctor
- Fetch dependent Dart/Flutter packages,
flutter pub get
- Due to we use compile-time JSON serialization and API client code generation, run
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
which recreates all necessary files - Install extension for updating json strings
- Add GoogleService-info.plist to ios/Runner and update CFBundleURLTypes id in Info.plist
- Add Google-Service.json to android/app
- Firebase (under development)
- Login Screen
- Loading Screen
- Grid and List views
- Nested Scroll views
- Pagination (under development)
- Local http server
- Async tasks
- Custom Views
- Intent Uri launcher (under development)
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.