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This repo contains the source files for a docker image stored in duplexa/4dn-hic:v42. (we will change the docker hub account soon)

Table of contents

Cloning the repo

git clone
cd docker-4dn-hic

Tool specifications

Major software tools used inside the docker container are downloaded by the script This script also creates a symlink to a version-independent folder for each software tool. In order to build an updated docker image with a new version of the tools, ideally only should be modified, but not Dockerfile, unless the new tool requires a specific APT tool that need to be downloaded. The file also contains comment lines that specifies the name and version of individual software tools.

Building docker image

You need docker daemon to rebuild the docker image. If you want to push it to a different docker repo, replace duplexa/4dn-hic:v42 with your desired docker repo name. You need permission to push to duplexa/4dn-hic:v42.

docker build -t duplexa/4dn-hic:v42 .
docker push duplexa/4dn-hic:v42

You can skip this if you want to use an already built image on docker hub (image name duplexa/4dn-hic:v42). The command 'docker run' (below) automatically pulls the image from docker hub.

Benchmarking tools

To obtain run time and max mem stats, use usr/bin/time that is installed in the docker container. For example, run the following to benchmark du.

docker run duplexa/4dn-hic:v42 /usr/bin/time du 2> log
cat log

The output looks as follows:

0.02user 0.82system 0:00.87elapsed 96%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 2024maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+103minor)pagefaults 0swaps

The benchmarking result goes to STDERR, which can be collected by a file by redirecting with 2>. Maxmem is 2024KB in this case ('maxresident'). Run time is 0.87 second. ('elapsed')

Sample data

Sample data files that can be used for testing the tools are included in the sample_data folder. These data are not included in the docker image.

Tool wrappers

Tool wrappers are under the scripts directory and follow naming conventions These wrappers are copied to the docker image at built time and may be used as a single step in a workflow.

# default
docker run duplexa/4dn-hic:v42

# specific run command
docker run duplexa/4dn-hic:v42 <> <arg1> <arg2> ...

# may need -v option to mount data file/folder if they are used as arguments.
docker run -v /data1/:/d1/:rw -v /data2/:/d2/:rw duplexa/4dn-hic:v42 <> /d1/file1 /d2/file2 ...

Default command for this docker image. It lists the run commands available.

Alignment module for Hi-C data, based on bwa-mem.

  • Input : a pair of Hi-C fastq files
  • Output : a bam file (Lossless, not sorted by coordinate)


Run the following in the container. <fastq1> <fastq2> <bwaIndex> <output_prefix> <nThreads>
# fastq1, fastq2 : input fastq files, either gzipped or not
# bwaIndex : tarball for bwa index, .tgz.
# outdir : output directory
# output_prefix : prefix of the output bam file.
# nThreads : number of threads

Data-type-independent, generic bam sorting module

  • Input : any unsorted bam file (.bam)
  • Output : a bam file sorted by coordinate (.sorted.bam) and its index (.sorted.bam.bai).


Run the following in the container. <input_bam> <output_prefix>
# input_bam : any bam file to be sorted
# output_prefix : prefix of the output bam file.

Bam to pairs conversion module for Hi-C data, based on samtools, bgzip and pairix.

  • Input : any paired-end bam file
  • Output : a chromosome-block-sorted and bgzipped pairs pairs file that contains all the mapped read pairs in the bam file, along with its index (.bsorted.pairs.gz and .bsorted.pairs.gz.px2)


Run the following in the container. <input_bam> <output_prefix>
# input_bam : input bam file.
# output_prefix : prefix of the output pairs file.

Alignment module for Hi-C data, based on merge-pairs.

  • Input : a set of pairs files, with their associated indices
  • Output : a merged pairs file and its index


Run the following in the container. <output_prefix> <pairs1> <pairs2> [<pairs3> [...]]  
# output_prefix : prefix of the output pairs file.
# pairs1, pairs2, ... : input pairs files

Runs cooler to create an unnormalized matrix .cool file, taking in a (4dn-style) pairs file

  • Input : a pairs file (.gz, along with .px2), chrom.size file
  • Output : a contact matrix file (.cool)


Run the following in the container. <input_pairs> <chromsize> <binsize> <ncores> <output_prefix> <max_split>
# input_pairs : a pairs file
# chromsize : a chromsize file
# binsize : binsize in bp
# ncores : number of cores to use
# output_prefix : prefix of the output cool file
# max_split : max_split argument for cooler (e.g. 2 which is default for cooler)

Runs cooler to create a normalized matrix file, taking in an unnormalized .cool file

  • Input: a cool file (.cool)
  • Output : a cool file (.cool)


Run the following in the container. <input_cool> <max_iter> <output_prefix> <chunksize>
# input_cool : a cool file (without normalization vector)
# max_iter : maximum number of iterations
# output_prefix : prefix of the output cool file
# chunksize : chunksize argument for cooler (e.g. 10000000 which is default for cooler)

Runs cooler coarsegrain to create multi-res cool file from a .cool file.

  • Input : a cool file (.cool)
  • Output : a file (


Run the following in the container. -i <input_cool> [-p <ncores>] [-o <output_prefix>] [-c <chunksize>] [-j] [-u custom_res]
# input_cool : a (singe-res) cool file with the highest resolution you want in the multi-res cool file
# -p ncores: number of cores to use (default: 1)
# -o output_prefix: prefix of the output file (default: out)
# -c chunksize : chunksize argument of cooler (e.g. default: 10000000)
# -j : juicer resolutions (default: use HiGlass resolutions)
# -u custom_res : custom resolutions separated by commas (e.g. 100000,200000,500000). The minimun of this set must match min_res (-r).

Runs pairsqc on a single pairs file and generates a report zip file.

  • Input: a pairs file, chromsize file
  • Output: a zipped QC report file


Run the following in the container. <input_pairs> <chromsize> <sample_name> <enzyme> <outdir>
# input_pairs : a gzipped pairs file (.pairs.gz) with its pairix index (.px2)
# chromsize : a chromsize file
# sample_name : sample name - to be used as both the prefix of the report and the title of the sample in the report.
# enzyme : either 4 (4-cutter) or 6 (6-cutter)
# outdir : output directory

Adds juicer frag information to pairs file and creates an updated pairs file.

  • Input: a pairs file, a (juicer-style) restriction_site_file
  • Output: a pairs file


Run the following in the container <input_pairs> <restriction_site_file> <output_prefix>
# input_pairs : a gzipped pairs file (.pairs.gz) with its pairix index (.px2)
# restriction_site_file : a text file containing positions of restriction enzyme sites, separated by space, one chromosome per line (Juicer style).
# output prefix: prefix of the output pairs file

Runs juicebox pre and addNorm on a pairs file and creates a hic file.

  • Input: a pairs file, a chromsize file
  • Output: a hic file


Run the following in the container -i <input_pairs> -c <chromsize_file> [-o <output_prefix>] [-r <min_res>] [-g] [-u custom_res] [-m <maxmem>] [-q mapqfilter]
# -i input_pairs : a gzipped pairs file (.pairs.gz) with its pairix index (.px2), preferably containing frag information.
# -c chromsize_file : a chromsize file
# -o output prefix: prefix of the output hic file
# -r min_res : minimum resolution for whole-genome normalization (e.g. 5000)
# -g : higlass-compatible : if this flag is used, zoom levels are set in a Hi-Glass compatible way, if not, default juicebox zoom levels.
# -u custom_res : custom resolutions separated by commas (e.g. 100000,200000,500000). The minimun of this set must match min_res (-r).
# -m maxmem : java max mem (e.g. 14g)
# -q mapqfilter : mapq filter (e.g. 30, default 0)
# -n : normalization only : if this flag is used, binning is skipped.

Runs juicer to create a merged_nodups file.

  • Input: a pair of fastq files, bwa Index (tgz), reference genome sequence, chrom size file and a (juicer-formatted) restriction enzyme site file.
  • Output: a merged_nodups file.


Run the following in the container <input_fastq1> <input_fastq2> <bwaIndex> <reference_genome_fasta> <chromsize_file> <restriction_enzyme_site_file> <ncores> <outdir>
# input_fastq1, input_fastq2 : input fastq files, either gzipped or not
# bwaIndex : tarball for bwa index, .tgz.
# reference_genome_fasta : fasta file for reference genome matching the bwaIndex
# chromsize_file : a chromsize file
# restriction_enzyme_site_file : juicer-formatted restriction enzyme site file, each line containing a chromosome name followed by all the positions of the specific restriction enzyme sites on that chromosome, space-delimited.
# ncores : number of threads to use
# outdir : output directory (This should be a mounted host directory, so that the output files are visible from the host and to avoid any bus error)

Adds a normalization vector from a hic file to an mcool file.

  • Input: a .hic file and an .mcool file
  • Output: an .mcool file that contains an additional normalization vector.


Run the following in the container <input_hic> <input_mcool> <outdir>
# input_hic : a hic file
# input_mcool : an mcool file
# outdir : output directory

Extracts a normalization vector from a mcool file to visualize with a hic file.

  • Input: an .mcool file, a chrom size file
  • Output: an juicer-format normvector file that contains a series of cooler normalization vectors.


Run the following in the container -i <input_mcool> -c <chromsize_file> [-r <min_res> -l <nres>] [-u <custom_res>] [-d <outdir>] [-o <output_prefix>]
# -i input_mcool : an mcool file
# -c chromsize_file : a chromsize file
# -r min_res : minimum resolution for whole-genome normalization (e.g. 5000)
# -l nres : number of resolutions (e.g. 13)
# -u custom_res : custom resolutions separated by commas (e.g. 100000,200000,500000) (default higlass resolutions).
# -d outdir : output directory
# -o output prefix: prefix of the output file

Runs fastqc on a given fastq(.gz) file and produces a fastqc report.

  • Input: a fastq file (either gzipped or not)
  • Output: a fastqc report (


Run the following in the container <input_fastq> <nthread> <outdir>
# input_fastq : an input fastq file, either gzipped or not.
# nthread : number of threads to use
# outdir : output directory (This should be a mounted host directory, so that the output files are visible from the host and to avoid any bus error)

Runs pairsam parse and sort on a bwa-produced bam file and produces a sorted pairsam file

  • Input: a bam file
  • Output: a pairsam file


Run the following in the container <input_bam> <chromsizes> <outdir> <outprefix> <nthread> <compress_program>
# input_bam : an input bam file.
# chromsizes : a chromsize file
# outdir : output directory
# outprefix : prefix of output files
# nthread : number of threads to use

Merges a list of pairsam files

  • Input: a list of pairsam files
  • Output: a merged pairsam file


Run the following in the container <outprefix> <nthreads> <input_pairsam1> [<input_pairsam2> [<input_pairsam3> [...]]]
# outprefix : prefix of output files
# nthreads : number of threads to use
# input_pairsam : an input pairsam file.

Takes a pairsam file in and creates a pairsam file with duplicate reads marked
* Input: a pairsam file
* Output: a duplicate-marked pairsam file

#### Usage
Run the following in the container <input_pairsam>

input_pairsam : an input pairsam file.

outprefix : prefix of output files

Takes in a pairsam file and creates a lossless, annotated bam file and a filtered pairs file.

  • Input: a pairsam file
  • Output: an annotatd bam file and a filtered pairs file


Run the following in the container <input_pairsam> <outprefix> <chromsizes>
# input_pairsam : an input pairsam file.
# outprefix : prefix of output files
# chromsizes : a chromsize file


Docker for 4DN Hi-C processing pipeline







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  • HTML 71.4%
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