Interpolates intermediate values of z(x,y) using pre-defined grid of values. Creates facet of bi-linear forms using set of known z values at (x,y) grid.
Requires SugarJS. Usage <script src="calc-1.3.js"></script>
Sometimes you know only several values of dependency z(x,y) and need to estimate values inbetween. For example, you know that 500 copies of 24-page magazine is $741, 1000 copies is $995, and for 64 pages prices are $1643 and $2216. Prices are real and taken from here.
You need price for 32 pages and 700 copies.
var fprice = calc.gen(
[// ↓ precision
[ 0.5, 24, 64],
[ 500, 741, 1643],
[ 1000, 995, 2216]
// Now fprice is ready-to-use interpolator function.
console.log(fprice(32, 700)); // Prints 1048.5
Calculator at real site gives us $1124, about 7% difference, that is acceptable for quick estimation, although we better have more dense source price grid.
Another example. Air transport of 100kg and 250kg freight from Moscow to London is ~$1030 and $2570, distance is 2500km. Same freights from Moscow to Oslo – $980 and $2480, 1600km. Prices taken from here.
How about 180kg freight from Moscow to Amsterdam (2150km)?
var fprice = calc.gen(
[// ↓ precision
[ 10, 100, 250],
[ 1600, 980, 2480],
[ 2500, 1030, 2570]
console.log(fprice(180, 2150)); // Prints 1820
Site gives average price $1815,5.
If out-of-bounds x and y passed, null
is returned.
Grids can be larger then 3×3 – so interpolation space become picewise linear. The only restriction – both axes must monotonically increase.
Also you can pass bounding function as a second argument. Bounding function allows to extend arguments’ range out of
grid bounds. Function must return false
if pair is invalid.
// Multiplication for non-negatives,
// rounds result to integers
var intmul = calc.gen(
function (x,y) { return x>=0 && y>=0 }
console.log(intmul (15, 11.5)); // Prints 173
console.log(intmul (5, 8)); // Prints 40
console.log(intmul (-5, 8)); // Prints null
There are several other members of calc
. They are documented right inside source code.
© 2015 ermouth. calc.js is MIT-licensed.