Script for checking cluster configuration on SUSE cluster The path to scc report need to be provided (either compressed or decompressed) The tasks the script will do:
- find the ha.txt file
- check on the corosync configuration and check the configuration against the doc:
- determine the names of the nodes in the cluster
- check on the hosts file if it has the 2 nodes mentioned there
- determine the type of application in cluster is it "ASCS/ERS, NFS , SAP Hana"
- determine the type of fencing that is used:
- in case of SBD prints the message status of the SBD devices and their configuration
- in case of azure fence agent, check the packages version of python-azure-core, python-azure-mgmt-compute and python-azure-identity
- check on the resource definition and parameters as per our documentation and print if there is any differences for manual checking
- check on the version of resource-agents package and fence-agents package