- Create
- Read
- Update
- Delete
- GET /posts => renders page that displays all posts (pagination, first 20/50)
- GET /posts/:postId => renders page that display a single post of the given id (req.params.postId)
- GET /posts/new => renders page that displays form to create a new post
- POST /posts => handles form submission to create new post
- GET /posts/:postId/edit => renders page that displays form to edit post of the given id (req.params.postId)
- PATCH /posts/:postId => handles form submittion to execute PARTIAL update on a post
- PUT /posts/:postId => handles form submittion to execute FULL update on a post
- DELETE /posts/:postId => handles form submittion to delete a post
- GET /posts/:postId/comments => render page that displays all comments of a post (pagination)
- GET /posts/:postId/comments/:commentId => render page that displays 1 comment of a specific post
- GET /posts/:postId/comments/:commentId/edit
- PATCH /posts/:postId/comments/:commentId
- PUT /posts/:postId/comments/:commentId
- DELETE /posts/:postId/comments/:commentId
- GET /posts/:postId/comments/:commentId/replies
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- GET /login => renders page to display form to login
- POST /login => handles form submission to log user in
- GET /register => renders page to display form to register
- POST /login => handles form submission to create new user
- DELETE /logout => handles logging of user
- GET /profile
- isAdmin => GET /users/login => renders page to display all users
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