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A metamorphic testing-based automated testing engine for the Intelligent Tutoring System, developed at the Programming Languages and Software Engineering lab at School of Computing, National University of Singapore.

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Automated Testing Engine


The Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is developed at the Programming Languages and Software Engineering lab at School of Computing, National University of Singapore. It provides automated feedback and grading suggestions for programming assignments. As the architecture and functionality of the ITS expand, there is a need to ensure that the growing code base is maintained at high quality.

Project Overview

Our team has developed an automated testing engine that uses black box testing to identify existing bugs in the ITS API.

Our solution revolves around metamorphic testing, where we develop metamorphic relations around the high level insight of semantic equivalence. We modify base Python programs into semantically equivalent ones using Python AST, then put both the base and modified programs into the ITS API. If it deems them to be semantically unequivalent, it hints at a possible bug.

Strategy Overview

The main steps of our testing strategy are:

  1. Generate a random base Python program.
  2. Generate random arguments for the base program.
  3. Modify the base program using metamorphic relations to obtain a modified program.
  4. Put the base and modified programs into the ITS API, where they act as test oracles for one another.
flowchart LR
	generate_program --> generate_arguments
    generate_arguments --> mutation
    mutation --> testing

Project Setup

  1. Ensure that you have Python and Docker installed. Otherwise, you can download it here and here.

  2. Clone the repository to a local directory of your preference.

git clone
  1. In the root directory, create a .env file. Inside the file, enter an OpenAI API key. If you do not have a key, you would be unable to use the OpenAiProgramGenerator to generate base programs, but you can rely on alternative base program generators instead.
  1. Run docker build . -t automated-test-engine in command prompt to build the Docker image.

  2. Run docker run -v "<current_working_directory>":/app -it --entrypoint /bin/sh automated-test-engine in command prompt to start the Docker container, and map the current working directory to the /app directory in the container.

  3. Run poetry install to install the required dependencies in the docker container.

  4. Run poetry shell to activate the virtual environment.

Note: Replace <current_working_directory> with the path to the current working directory.

Run all the commands from Step 6 onwards in the Docker container.

Running The Test Engine

The entry point of the application is

We have implemented a total of 13 metamorphic modifiers. Each transforms a base program into a semantically equivalent one in a unique way.

ID Metamorphic Modifier Description Constraints for Base Program
MR01 VariableRenamerModifier Function arguments are renamed with new names of the format var_X, such as var_1 and var_2. Function must have at least 1 argument. The function must not have any existing variables of the format var_X.
MR02 BinOpModifier For + and *, the left and right operands have their orders swapped. - is converted into a + op. Function must have at least 1 arithmetic operation. Can be +, * or -.
MR03 DeMorganModifier Transforms a 2-variable Boolean expression using De Morgan’s Law. Function must use 2-variable Boolean expressions, such as in if and while conditions. Each variable should just be a single literal, such as a or b.
MR04 IdempotentModifier Transforms a 2-variable Boolean expression using Idempotent Law. Function must use 2-variable Boolean expressions, such as in if and while conditions. Each variable should just be a single literal, such as a or b.
MR05 IdentityModifier Transforms a 2-variable Boolean expression using Identity Law. Function must use 2-variable Boolean expressions, such as in if and while conditions. Each variable should just be a single literal, such as a or b.
MR06 UnravelTernaryModifier Unravels a ternary operator to a standard if-else clause. Function must have at least 1 ternary operator. We currently support 3 cases: 1. Ternary operator is used in a return statement. 2. Ternary operator is directly used in an assignment statement. 3. Ternary operator is used as an operand in a binary op of an assignment statement.
MR07 ForRangeToWhileLoopModifier Transforms a Python for ... in range ... loop to a while loop. Function must have at least 1 for ... in range ... loop. range has the syntax of range(start, step, stop). Our modifier modifies it into a while loop if all 3 are numeric values (can be positive or negative)
MR08 ExtraArgumentReassignmentModifier For each function argument, it is reassigned to itself multiple times at the start of the function. Function must have at least 1 argument.
MR09 SwapArgumentsModifier Swap argument values internally within a function, and replace argument occurrence accordingly. Function must have at least 2 arguments.
MR10 WrapInIfTrueBlockModifier Wraps the entire function body into an if True: block -
MR11 WrapInTryBlockModifier For + and *, the left and right operands have their orders swapped. - is converted into a + op. Function body must not throw any exceptions.
MR12 WrapInExceptBlockModifier Wraps the entire function body into an except block, and places a placeholder try: raise Exception. Function body must not throw any exceptions.
MR13 ReverseListModifier Reverses all lists instantiated within the function. Then, if any of these lists are accessed via indexing, update those indexes to access the correct elements. Function must contain at least 1 list that is instantiated within the function. For those lists, the function only accesses or updates elements in those lists. No other functionalities are associated with those lists.

You can choose which combinations of modifiers to test for, and how many test cases to run. However, we do not recommend combining too many at once, as some modifiers may conflict with one another and having more modifiers takes longer to generate the test cases.

  1. In the methods run_leetcode_programs() and run_open_ai_programs() of, there is a variable called transformers. This is a list of modifiers. You can put in any combination of modifiers you want to test for using the 13 modifiers shown above. For run_open_ai_programs(), note that you can also specify constraints for OpenAiProgramGenerator, to generate base programs that satisfy certain criteria, in order to be applicable for the metamorphic relations that you have chosen.
  2. In the block of if __name__ == "__main__", you can choose which base program generator to use, and how many test cases to run for. For example, using run_leetcode_programs(2) would run 2 test cases with base programs generated by LeetCodeProgramGenerator. For those without an OpenAI API key, you should comment out run_open_ai_programs(2) as you do not have access to OpenAI models for base program generation.
  3. You can run python its_test_engine/ from the root directory, while in the docker container, to start generating the test results. Test results reports are generated in the test_results folder.

Test Results and Bug Reports

We have raised a total of 26 bug reports. 20 out of 26 bug reports were accepted as valid bugs. The bug reports can be found in the bug_reports folder. They reference test results reports which are found in the test_results folder.

The bug reports were manually written by us after analysing the output we obtained from the ITS API, while the test results reports are lower-level logs automatically generated as part of our pipeline.

Running Unit and Integration Tests

We have written unit and integration tests for the automated testing engine, achieving line and branch coverage of 99%.

  1. To run the test cases, run pytest.

  2. To generate a test coverage report, there are 2 options:

# Line Coverage
coverage run --source=its_test_engine -m pytest && coverage report --show-missing

# Branch Coverage
coverage run --branch --source=its_test_engine -m pytest && coverage report --show-missing

Run all the commands in the Docker container.


Our team consulted a variety of resources (papers and documentation) to implement the automated testing engine. The attributions can be found in

We would like to extend our appreciation to our project mentor, JIANG Yuancheng, for his invaluable guidance throughout the project. We would also like to thank the ITS API team for assisting us in reviewing the issues and bug reports raised. 😃


A metamorphic testing-based automated testing engine for the Intelligent Tutoring System, developed at the Programming Languages and Software Engineering lab at School of Computing, National University of Singapore.






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