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61 lines (50 loc) · 9.2 KB

Issue 15: Inconsistencies with API Endpoints


We discovered a weird behaviour with the errorlocalizer, feedback_error, feedback_fix and repair endpoints. We have 2 different programs, let us call them Program A and Program B.

  • When we pass Program A as both the base and modified programs to these endpoints, the endpoints return successfully.
  • When we pass Program B as both the base and modified programs to these endpoints, the endpoints return successfully.
  • When we pass Program A as the base program and Program B as the modified program, the endpoints return an error, with status code 500. This is not the intended behaviour, where we expected to see a comparison between Programs A and B instead.

Error Message:

Error in making API call to (Retry 0 times)
Status code: 500.
Response: Internal Server Error

Inputs that worked with the error localizer

# These sets of inputs work with the error localizer, using only Program A
base_program_string = "def main(x):\n\tx = x + 5\n\treturn x"
modified_program_string = "def main(x):\n\tx = x + 5\n\treturn x"
function_name = "main"
function_arguments = "[[66], [59], [64], [24], [85], [62], [68], [47], [92], [36]]"
# These sets of inputs work with the error localizer, using only Program B
base_program_string = "def main(x):\n\tx = x + 5\n\tfor j in range(2, 5):\n\t\tx += 0\n\treturn x"
modified_program_string = "def main(x):\n\tx = x + 5\n\tfor j in range(2, 5):\n\t\tx += 0\n\treturn x"
function_name = "main"
function_arguments = "[[66], [59], [64], [24], [85], [62], [68], [47], [92], [36]]"

Inputs that did not work with the error localizer

# These sets of inputs do not work with the error localizer, where we used both
# Programs A and B
base_program_string = "def main(x):\n\tx = x + 5\n\treturn x"
modified_program_string = "def main(x):\n\tx = x + 5\n\tfor j in range(2, 5):\n\t\tx += 0\n\treturn x"
function_name = "main"
function_arguments = "[[66], [59], [64], [24], [85], [62], [68], [47], [92], [36]]"

Error localizer input that did not work

    "language": "py",
    "reference_solution": "{\"importStatements\": [], \"fncs\": {\"main\": {\"name\": \"main\", \"rettype\": \"*\", \"initloc\": 1, \"endloc\": 0, \"params\": [{\"val0\": \"x\", \"val1\": \"*\", \"valueArray\": [\"x\", \"*\"], \"valueList\": [\"x\", \"*\"]}], \"locexprs\": {\"1\": [{\"val0\": \"x\", \"val1\": {\"name\": \"Add\", \"args\": [{\"name\": \"x\", \"primed\": false, \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Variable\"}, {\"value\": \"5\", \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Constant\"}], \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Operation\"}, \"valueArray\": [\"x\", {\"name\": \"Add\", \"args\": [{\"name\": \"x\", \"primed\": false, \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Variable\"}, {\"value\": \"5\", \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Constant\"}], \"line\": 2}], \"valueList\": [\"x\", {\"name\": \"Add\", \"args\": [{\"name\": \"x\", \"primed\": false, \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Variable\"}, {\"value\": \"5\", \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Constant\"}], \"line\": 2}]}, {\"val0\": \"$ret\", \"val1\": {\"name\": \"x\", \"primed\": true, \"line\": 3, \"tokentype\": \"Variable\"}, \"valueArray\": [\"$ret\", {\"name\": \"x\", \"primed\": true, \"line\": 3}], \"valueList\": [\"$ret\", {\"name\": \"x\", \"primed\": true, \"line\": 3}]}]}, \"loctrans\": {\"1\": {}}, \"locdescs\": {\"1\": \"around the beginning of function 'main'\"}, \"types\": {\"x\": \"*\"}}}}",
    "student_solution": "{\"importStatements\": [], \"fncs\": {\"main\": {\"name\": \"main\", \"rettype\": \"*\", \"initloc\": 1, \"endloc\": 0, \"params\": [{\"val0\": \"x\", \"val1\": \"*\", \"valueArray\": [\"x\", \"*\"], \"valueList\": [\"x\", \"*\"]}], \"locexprs\": {\"1\": [{\"val0\": \"x\", \"val1\": {\"name\": \"Add\", \"args\": [{\"name\": \"x\", \"primed\": false, \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Variable\"}, {\"value\": \"5\", \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Constant\"}], \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Operation\"}, \"valueArray\": [\"x\", {\"name\": \"Add\", \"args\": [{\"name\": \"x\", \"primed\": false, \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Variable\"}, {\"value\": \"5\", \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Constant\"}], \"line\": 2}], \"valueList\": [\"x\", {\"name\": \"Add\", \"args\": [{\"name\": \"x\", \"primed\": false, \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Variable\"}, {\"value\": \"5\", \"line\": 2, \"tokentype\": \"Constant\"}], \"line\": 2}]}, {\"val0\": \"iter#0\", \"val1\": {\"name\": 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    "function": "main",
    "inputs": "[]",
    "args": "[[66], [59], [64], [24], [85], [62], [68], [47], [92], [36]]"

Related Test Reports

Refer to Test Report ID 1f7c430f.