Euler Earn is an open source protocol for permissionless risk curation on top of ERC4626 vaults(strategies). Although it is initially designed to be integrated with Euler V2 vaults, technically it supports any other vault as long as it is ERC4626 compliant.
The Euler Earn in itself is an ERC4626 vault, and any risk curator can deploy one through the factory. Each vault has one loan asset and can allocate deposits to multiple strategies. Euler Earn vaults are noncustodial and immutable instances, and offer users an easy way to provide liquidity and passively earn yield.
For more details, please refer to the whitepaper and the low-level spec.
Euler Earn comes with a comprehensive set of tests written in Solidity, which can be executed using Foundry.
To install Foundry:
curl -L | bash
This will download foundryup. To start Foundry, run:
To clone the repo:
git clone
forge build
To run the unit-tests and the e2e test:
FOUNDRY_PROFILE=test forge test
To run the fuzz tests:
FOUNDRY_PROFILE=fuzz forge test
To run the invariants tests:
FOUNDRY_PROFILE=invariant forge test
To run foundry coverage:
FOUNDRY_PROFILE=coverage forge coverage --report summary
To run echidna based fuzzing:
echidna test/echidna/CryticERC4626TestsHarness.t.sol --contract CryticERC4626TestsHarness --config test/echidna/config/echidna.config.yaml
To run symbolic tests using Halmos
halmos --match-contract EulerEarnSymbolicTest --storage-layout=generic --test-parallel --solver-parallel --solver-timeout-assertion 0
forge fmt
forge snapshot
forge doc --serve --port 4000