Delphi library for simplifying image load/save, conversion and transformation. Can load/save png, jpg, jxl, webp, avif, tiff, gif and bmp. Can get image from different resources: file, stream, http, imagelist, associated windows icon, executable file icon, etc... Rotate, flip, grayscale and many other transformations. GDI+, Graphics32, OpenCV, Vampyre and LibVips engines available.
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*NEW: Delphi 12 Athens support
*NEW: LibVips engine added
*NEW: Interface based
*NEW: Vampyre lib engine added
*NEW: New functions added
*NEW: Refactory classes
*NEW: Delphinus support
You can select one or more of the available engines ImageFX supports. Add one or more of below units to your uses clause:
Quick.ImageFX.GDI: Uses GDI+ engine. No needs external libraries but it's slow.
Needed libraries:
- QuickLibs from Exilon (
Quick.ImageFX.GR32: Uses Graphics32 engine to rotate, transform, resize, etc
Needed libraries:
- QuickLibs from Exilon (
- Graphics32 (
- CCR-Exif from Chris Rolliston (
Quick.ImageFX.OpenCV: OpenCV Engine. Uses a thrid party delphi warper for Intel Open Vision library. It's very fast and powerfull. Needs OpenCV external dll's in your project dir.
Needed libraries:
- QuickLibs from Exilon (
- Delphi-OpenCV from Laex (
- CCR-Exif from Chris Rolliston (
Quick.ImageFX.Vampyre: Vampyre Imaging Library Engine. Uses a thrid party delphi warper for Vampyre Imaging native library. Fast and supports many image formats.
Needed libraries:
- QuickLibs from Exilon (
- Vampyre-Imaging from Marek Mauder (
- CCR-Exif from Chris Rolliston (
Quick.ImageFX.Vips: LibVips Imaging Library Engine. Uses a thrid party delphi warper for LibVips library. Ultra fast and supports many image formats like Webp, Avif, JXL, etc.
Needed libraries:
- QuickLibs from Exilon (
- LibVips from libVips ( (Download needed dll's from releases zone)
- CCR-Exif from Chris Rolliston (
Create: Create instance of ImageFX to load/manipulate images.
ImageFX : IImageFX;
ImageFX := TImageFXGDI //You can create as TImageFXGDI, TImageFXGR32, TImageFXOpenCV or TImageFXVampyre to use different graphic engines
Load/Save: Can load/save png, jpg, gif and bmp and get image from different resources like file, stream, http, imagelist, associated windows icon, executable file icon, etc...
//Load image from files like jpg, gif, png and bmp
//Load/Save image from/to a memorystream, filestream, etc...
//Load image from an icon class
//Load image from an icon file
//Get image associated in windows with this type of extension
//Load from exe resource
//Get image from a http link
//Load/Save from string
Image Info: Get resolution, aspect ratio of an image.
ImageFX.AspectRatioStr //aspect ratio (4:3,16:9)
Image Resize:
//Resize image to fit max bounds of 500x300 and fills rest of target size with a border black color
ImageFX.ResizeOptions.BorderColor := clBlack;
ImageFX.Resize(500,300, rmFitToBounds, [rfCenter], rmLinear);
//Same image resize alternative/advanced mode
ImageFX.ResizeOptions.ResamplerMode := rmLinear;
ImageFX.ResizeOptions.ResizeMode := rmFitToBounds;
ImageFX.ResizeOptions.Center := True;
ImageFX.ResizeOptions.FillBorders := True;
ImageFX.ResizeOptions.BorderColor := clBlack;
NoMagnify: If true not resize image if smallest than especified new size.
ResizeMode: Resize algorithms to calculate desired final size:
- rmStretch Stretch original image to fit target size without preserving original aspect ratio.
- rmScale Recalculate width or height target size to preserve original aspect ratio.
- rmCropToFill Preserve target aspect ratio cropping original image to fill whole size.
- rmFitToBounds Resize image to fit max bounds of target size.
ResamplerMode: Resize algorithms to be applied:
- rsAuto Uses rmArea for downsampling and rmLinear for upsampling
- rsGDIStrech GDI only mode.
- rsNearest Low quality - High performance.
- rsGR32Draft GR32 only. Medium quality - High performance (downsampling only).
- rsOCVArea OpenCV only. Medium quality - High performance (downsampling only).
- rsLinear Medium quality - Medium performance.
- rsGR32Kernel GR32 only. High quality - Low performance (depends on kernel width).
- rsOCVCubic OpenCV only. High quality - Medium/Low performance.
- rsOCVLanczos4 OpenCV only. High quality - Low performance.
Center: Centers image
FillBorders: Fill borders of a scaled image in destination rectangle if smaller.
BorderColor: Color of filling borders.
Transforms: Apply rotations, flips, scanline effects, bright and others transformations to your images.
//Rotate image 90 degrees
//Rotate image 45 degrees
//Convert to grayscale
//Flip image horizontally
//Increase bright by 50%
//Change color of a pixel
PixInfo.R := Random(255); //R
PixInfo.G := Random(255); //G
PixInfo.B := Random(120); //B
PixInfo.A := 200; //Alpha
imageFX.Pixel[x,y] := PixInfo;
//Draw an overlay image over current image with 50% transparency
Format conversions: Can convert between image formats.
Almost all functions return self class, so you can chain many actions and effects like this:
//Rotate 90 degrees and flip horizontally, convert to grayscale and save to a png file.
// Load from file, rotate180, resize to 100x100 and assign to a TImage.
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