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Eventline is an open source job scheduling platform developed by Exograd.

Eventline makes it easy to control all your automation in the same place. Small recurrent tasks, long processing jobs, integration scripts, everything runs in Eventline.


Eventline lets you execute jobs the way you want:

Runner Description Availability
local Local execution. Eventline
docker Execution in a Docker container. Eventline
ssh Remote execution. Eventline
kubernetes Execution in a Kubernetes cluster. Eventline Pro


Connectors include support for various identities, which are used to store credentials, and for events used to trigger jobs.

Eventline supports multiple connectors, and we intend to add a lot more.

Connector Description Availability
aws Amazon Web Services identities. Eventline Pro
dockerhub DockerHub identities. Eventline
eventline Eventline identities. Eventline
generic Various generic identities. Eventline
github GitHub identities and events. Eventline
postgresql PostgreSQL identities. Eventline
slack Slack identities. Eventline Pro
time Recurring events. Eventline


Eventline makes it trivial to write various kinds of jobs. For example:

name: "export-clients"
  event: "time/tick"
      hour: 23
  - "pg-export"
  - "aws-s3"
  PG_HOST: ""
  S3_URI: ""
  - label: "export the database"
    code: "pg_dump -h $PG_HOST clients > clients.pgdump"
  - label: "upload data to s3"
    code: |
      key=$(date -u +%FT%TZ).pgdump
      aws s3 cp clients.pgdump $S3_URI/$key

Once defined, simply deploy it using the evcli command line program:

evcli deploy-job export-clients.yaml

Running Eventline


The simplest way to run Eventline is to use the Docker Compose setup, which pulls the official exograd/eventline Docker image.

Refer to the documentation for a quick start guide.


Eventline is packaged for FreeBSD.

mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos
curl -sSfL -o /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/exograd-public.conf \
pkg update
pkg install eventline

Refer to the documentation for more information.


Eventline is packaged for Ubuntu:

curl -sSfL -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/exograd-public.list \
apt-get update
apt-get install eventline

Refer to the documentation for more information.


The Eventline handbook is available in the repository, on the Exograd website and in each GitHub release.

External resources


A Terraform provided developed by Adyxax is available on the Terraform registry. See the documentation for more information.

Commercial use

We also provide Eventline Pro with multiple extensions and commercial support.

Exograd is a small bootstrapped company; by using Eventline Pro, you help us secure the future of the open source version.

Contact us at any time for questions, we would love to help you!


Feel free to open a GitHub issue if you find a bug. You can also use GitHub Discussions for questions, ideas or suggestions.

Eventline Pro users also get access to private support by email.