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Releases: exoscale/pithos

Stormy Locomotive

11 May 19:57
@pyr pyr
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Pithos: the cassandra-backed S3 compatible object store, maintenance release 0.7.5.

Highlights of this release include:

  • Even better handling of dates to accomodate a wider variety of clients
  • Allow credentials to be supplied when connecting to a cluster
  • Better handling of request arguments for edge cases
  • Docker compose support which obsoletes pithos-quickstart

A special thanks to @schu and @brutasse for helping in putting this release together!

Official Foot

15 May 13:26
@pyr pyr
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Pithos: the cassandra-backed S3 compatible object store, maintenance release 0.7.4.

Highlights of this release include:

  • Switch to clojure 1.7.0 which yields performance improvements
  • Better handling of dates to accomodate a wider variety of clients
  • Better RPM generation with the lein fatrpm task

A special thank-you to @squiddle and @numbat for their help during the development of this release!

Supersonic Storm

05 Jan 09:07
@pyr pyr
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Pithos: the cassandra-backed S3 compatible object store, maintenance release 0.7.3.

Highlights of this release include better support for CORS options, full support for querystring authentication, and
the use of a constant time comparison function when checking signatures to avoid timing attacks.

A special thank you to @vincentbernat and @brutasse for their help in tracking down issues and fixing bugs for this release!

Rocky Plastic

25 Nov 10:14
@pyr pyr
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Pithos: the cassandra-backed S3 compatible object store, maintenance release 0.7.1.

Highlights of this release include better encoding and decoding of object names, which could fixes the way some clients deal with spaces in names. Multipart upload completion has also been improved to avoid confusing some XML parsers with leading whitespace.

A special thank you to @vincentbernat for his help in tracking down issues and fixing bugs for this release!

As a side note, an ever increasing amount of clients have been tested with pithos and work as expected.

Full Changelog:

  • Bump clojure version. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Do not lead the XML body with whitespace, fixes #41. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Decode uris. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Escape regular expressions. [Vincent Bernat]
  • meta: handle no delimiter case when listing objects [Vincent Bernat]
  • Delete multiple objects returns an XML response [Bruno Renié]
  • Bypass date header when x-amz-date is supplied. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Fix cropped len in ranges. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]

Discarded Waffle

05 Nov 16:44
@pyr pyr
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Pithos: the cassandra-backed S3 compatible object store, release 0.7.0.

Highlights of this release include range support when retrieving objects. Improved metadata storage when creating
or copying objects. A reporter framework to recent notifications for storage events and support for paging when
large numbers of objects are present in a bucket.

With this release a number of new clients have been tested and documented, including but not limited to:

  • S3fs
  • WAL-e for PostgreSQL WAL storage
  • A modified plugin to store elasticsearch snapshots on S3

Full Changelog:

  • Document tradeoffs. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Document the bucket policy call. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Add a way to parse rfc822 dates. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Docs. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Do not preserve x-amz-metadata-directive. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Use provided multipart def when completing uploads. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Coerce multipart def to expected output. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Add parser for complete multipart upload payload. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Dummy procedures for put & delete bucket policy. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Unconditionally close streams. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Add documentation. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Document multiple object deletion. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Add tests for malformed ranges. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Add test for endless range. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Parse ranges when provided for a get. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Parse ranges when provided. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Some client libraries play around with case. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Do not try to delete non-existing versions. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Add an operation to report original size. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Avoid unnecessary copies. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Some clients are really picky about their dates! [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Report header dates in RFC822 format. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Correct types. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Stop jetty from messing around with data. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Assoc a request id on errors as well. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Correct rationale for chunk retrieval. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Stop lying. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Remove dead get-chunk-q arity. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Simplify stream-copy-part-block. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Correct subresource. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Enable multiple object delete. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Add parser for multiple object delete syntax. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Allow copy part from object. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Correct status when deleting objects. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Metadata: also preserve content-{disposition,language} headers. [Vincent Bernat]
  • Preserve more headers. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Document local access as well. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Add s3fs to the list of known working clients. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Preserve content-type as well. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Report content-type in head object. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Preserve x-amz-meta headers. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]

Eternal Skunk

22 Oct 10:07
@pyr pyr
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Pithos: the cassandra-backed S3 compatible object store, release 0.6.1.

Highlights of this release include better multipart upload support when overwriting objects, ACL improvements and CORS support on buckets. Additionally, the release now comes with a debian package.

In parallel, the main repo now contains the source for the new documentation site hosted at and
generated with sphinx.

Full Changelog:

  • Somewhat improve readability by moving to reduce. [Pierre-Yves
  • Do not try to reuse inode numbers when creating an upload part.
    [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Try to force a read of tombstones after a delete. [Pierre-Yves
  • Ensure we can retrieve all block chunks in one go. [Pierre-Yves
  • Unbreak abort multipart upload. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Correctly report ongoing multipart uploads. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Bump alia dependency. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Switch to logconfig. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Wire in CORS check in options request. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Pre-compile namespaces. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Enable CORS API calls, no corresponding options call yet. [Pierre-Yves
  • Add support for two-way CORs config serialization. plus tests.
    [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Describe ACL update behavior. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Update dependencies to latest versions. [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Consider header acls in put-bucket-acl and put-object-acl too.
    [Pierre-Yves Ritschard]
  • Provide more explicit names, and a check for header acls. [Pierre-Yves
  • Extend permissions to parse explicit ACLs in headers. [Pierre-Yves


02 Oct 19:17
@pyr pyr
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This new release fixes a few quirks and introduces the ability to create anonymously accessible objects.
Currently only canned ACLs are supported on objects.
Additionally to enhance compatibility with existing S3 compatible tools, bucket lifecycle calls have been added even though they do not carry out any meaningful action.


30 Sep 20:35
@pyr pyr
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This release introduces a switch to clojure.core.async and jetty9 as the name server.
Most notable:

  • Quote etags in headers and XML to mimick AWS S3
  • Adapt schema to support the list-multipart-uploads command
  • Simplify streaming operations, which makes pithos usable as a library

Additionally, it is now possible to start pithos with an embedded cassandra server through the pithos-quickstart sub-project.