Simple, unambitious implementation of swimy: Scalable Weakly-consistent Infection-style Process Group Membership Protocol
some improvements.
cfg := swimy.DefaultConfig()
cfg.OnJoin = func(addr net.Addr) {
// do something with the notification
cfg.OnLeave = func(addr net.Addr) {
// do something with the notification
ms1, err := swimy.New(cfg)
if err != nil {
defer ms1.Stop()
// some other app
ms2, err := swimy.New(nil)
if err != nil {
defer ms2.Stop()
err := ms2.Join(ctx, "") // existing known members to join the membership
- Failure is immediately disseminated by multicast
- using gossip style dissemination could have reduced msgs going around, yet reducing convergence speed.
- Gossip uses randomness rather than round-robin
- round-robin may be added for probing to reduce time to detect failure
- Implement lamport clock
- Instrument via otel & slog
- TCP conn. pooling per addr
- Add failure testing