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A Generic Process to Use ZOOpt

Yu-Ren Liu edited this page Jan 16, 2018 · 7 revisions

A Brief Introduction to ZOOpt Components

In ZOOpt, an optimization problem is abstracted in several components: Objective, Dimension, Parameter, and Solution, each is a Python class.

An Objective object is initialized with a function and a Dimension object as the input, where the Dimension object defines the dimension size and boundaries of the search space. A Parameter object specifies algorithm parameters. ZOOpt is able to automatically choose parameters for a range of problems, leaving only one parameter of the optimization budget (i.e. the number of solution evaluations) needed to be manually determined according to the time of the user. The Opt.min function makes the optimization happen, and returns a Solution object which contains the final solution and the function value. Moreover, after the optimization, the Objective object contains the history of the optimization for observation.

A Generic Process to Use ZOOpt

The Generic process to use ZOOpt contains four steps

  • Define an objective function f
  • Define a Dimension object dim, then use f and dim to construct an Objective object
  • Define a Parameter object par
  • Use Opt.min or ExpOpt.min to optimize

Details of the Generic Process

Define objective function

An objective function should satisfy the interface def func(solution): , where solution is a Solution object which encapsulate x and f(x). In general, users can custom their objective function by

def func(solution):
    x = solution.get_x() # fixed pattern
    value = f(x) # function f takes a vector x as input
    return value

In the Sphere function example, the objective function looks like

def sphere(solution):
    x = solution.get_x()
    value = sum([(i-0.2)*(i-0.2) for i in x]) # sphere center is (0.2, 0.2)
    return value

The objective function can also be a member function of a class, so that it can be much more complex than a singleton function. In this case, the function should satisfy the interface def func(self, solution):.

Define Dimension object dim, then use f and dim to construct an Objective object

A Dimension object dim and an objective function f are necessary components to construct an Objective object, which is one of the two requisite parameters to call Opt.min function.

Dimension class has an initial function looks like

def __init__(self, size=0, regs=[], tys=[], order=[]):

size is an integer indicating the dimension size. regs is a list contains the search space of each dimension (search space is a two-element list showing the range of each dimension, e.g., [-1, 1] for the range from -1 to 1). tys is a list of boolean value, True means continuous in this dimension and False means discrete. order is a list of boolean value, True means this dimension has a partial order relation and False means not. The boolean value in order is effective only when this dimension is discrete. By default, order=[False] * size. In most cases, order is not a necessity.

In the Sphere function example, dim looks like

dim_size = 100
dim = Dimension(dim_size, [[-1, 1]] * dim_size, [True] * dim_size )

It means that the dimension size is 100, the range of each dimension is [-1, 1] and is continuous.

Then use dim and f to construct an Objective object.

objective = Objective(sphere, dim)

Define parameter objective par

The class Parameter defines all parameters used in the optimization algorithms. Commonly, budget is the only parameter needed to be manually determined by users, while all parameters are controllable. Other parameters will be discussed in Commonly used parameter setting in ZOOpt

par = Parameter(budget=10000)

Use Opt.min or ExpOpt.min to optimize

Opt.min and ExpOpt.min are two interfaces for optimization.

Opt.min takes an Objective object e.g. objective and a Parameter object e.g. par as input. It will return a Solution object e.g. sol, which represents the optimal result of the optimization problem. sol.get_x() and sol.get_value() will return sol's x and f(x).

sol = Opt.min(objective, par)
print(sol.get_x(), sol.get_value())

ExpOpt.min is an API designed for repeated experiments, it will return a Solution object list containing repeat solutions.

class ExpOpt:
    def min(objective, parameter, repeat=1, best_n=None, plot=False, plot_file=None, seed=None):

repeat indicates the number of repetitions of the optimization (each starts from scratch). best_n is a parameter for result analysis, best_n is an integer and equals to repeat by default. ExpOpt.min will print the average value and the standard deviation of the best_n best results among the returned solution list. plot determines whether to plot the regret curve on screen during the optimization progress. When plot=True, the procedure will be blocked and show figure during its running if plot_file is not given. Otherwise, the procedure will save the figures to disk without blocking. seed is a parameter to set random seed in optimization.

solution_list = ExpOpt.min(objective, par, repeat=10, best_n=5, plot=True, plot_file='Figure.pdf', seed=777)