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How to Optimize a Function with the Mixed (Continuous and Discrete) Search Space

Yuren Liu edited this page Dec 27, 2017 · 10 revisions

We define the Sphere function in for minimization.

# Sphere function for mixed optimization
def sphere_mixed(solution):
    x = solution.get_x()
    value = sum([i*i for i in x])
    return value

Define result analysis function in

import numpy as np

# get mean value and standard deviation of best 'top' results
def result_analysis(results, top):
    limit = top if top < len(results) else len(results)
    top_k = results[0:limit]
    mean_r = np.mean(top_k, dtype=np.float64)
    std_r = np.std(top_k, dtype=np.float64)
    print('%f +- %f' % (float(mean_r), float(std_r)))

Then, use ZOOpt to optimize this function.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import numpy as np
from fx import sphere_mixed
from zoopt import Dimension, Objective, Parameter, Opt, Solution
from zoopt.utils.zoo_global import gl
from quick_start import result_analysis

# mixed optimization
def minimize_sphere_mixed():
    t1 = time.clock()
    gl.set_seed(12345)  # set random seed
    repeat = 10  # repeat of optimization experiments
    result = []
    history = []
    for i in range(repeat):
        # setup optimization problem
        dim_size = 10
        dim_regs = []
        dim_tys = []
        # In this example, the search space is discrete if this dimension index is odd, Otherwise, the search space
        # is continuous.
        for i in range(dim_size):
            if i % 2 == 0:
                dim_regs.append([0, 1])
                dim_regs.append([0, 100])
        dim = Dimension(dim_size, dim_regs, dim_tys)
        objective = Objective(sphere_mixed, dim)  # form up the objective function
        budget = 2000  # number of calls to the objective function
        parameter = Parameter(budget=budget)
        # perform the optimization
        solution = Opt.min(objective, parameter)

        print('solved solution is:')
        # store the optimization result

        # for plotting the optimization history
        if i == 0:
            history.append([0 for k in range(budget)])  # init for reducing
    average_regret = reduce(lambda x, y: np.array(x) + np.array(y), history) / repeat  # get average regret
    plt.savefig("img/sphere_mixed_figure.png")  # uncomment this line and comment last line to save figures
    result_analysis(result, 5)
    t2 = time.clock()
    print('time cost: %f' % (t2 - t1))

if __name__ == '__main__':

For a few seconds, the optimization is done. We will get regret curve as follows.

Expeirment results

More concrete examples are available in the example/simple_functions/ file .