Start dir for each command is repository dir;
Run command to install BE dependencies:
cd api/
composer install
Run command to install FE dependencies:
cd frontend/
npm install
Run commands to start BE:
cd api/
symfony server:start
Run commands to start FE:
cd frontend/
npm start
Configure db connection in .env
file, edit DATABASE_URL
then run init.sql
patch (creating database is omitted because doctrine does it).
-> A-Z a-z 0-9 "$-_.+!*'(),"
1 200 000 000/month - average total visits to a month ( that'd be 720 000 000 000 in 50 years? (for some reasons longlasting links would be nice) would say: 10^12
Given I have 62 characters allowed to use and I need 10^12 slots, then I have 62^X = 10^12, where X is length of our link (the random part). Then X is 6.6949652078. uses 7 chars so I guess they are pretty familiar to that math :D I think it's reasonable, especially that 6 (one less) allowed chars for 62 chars gives 56 800 235 584, which is ~5% of an estimated number of sorts.
Commonly used solution is base convertion. Based on selected characters I implemented ShortUrlGenerator