Reuben 🎻 Emaggy 🤴🏿 Gigi 🙋 Leonie 👶
Pearls of Wisdom is a quote taking app that allows users to log quotes and add them to an account/ group. Users can create a new account or use an existing account to add quotes to.
- Changing pairs frequently
- Commit regularly
- 20/20/20
- Plan and document (file structure, layout, schema)
Wednesday morning: Wireframe, file structure Wednesday afternoon: Repo, server, database Thursday morning: client side requests and handlebar Thursday afternoon: CSS
npm install
npm test
npm run nodemon
npm start
Come up with idea
Set up workflow/milestones
Set up code of conduct
Decide on file structure & wireframe
Create user flow & take pic for readme
Set up repo
- packages Dev: tape, supertest, nodemon, dotenv,
- packages DEP, express, express-handlebars, body-parser(for parsing post requests), pg, query-string, serve-favicon
Set up express server structure
- Set up server.js
- set up app.js
Set up hbs files
- error
- home
- main
- header
- head
- footer
Make Schema for database
Set up database tables
- db_build.sql
- db_build.js
- db_connect
Set up database queries
set up {{#each}} in queriesByCategory to populate the table with quotes
Connect to Heroku
Create routes
- redirect when post request is made to /submitquote
- Home & TDD
- error client side & TDD
- post route & TDD
- back home route & TDD
- server side error
- Search by category (without posting) & TDD
- Like quotes and display top on home page Like quotes and display top on home page
- Search quotes by keyword
- Delete quotes
- public
- css folder
- images folder
- js folder
- src
- app.js (middleware & calls index.js in controllers)
- server.js (starts the server)
- models (database stuff)
- controllers folder
(request handling functions are exported from their files and used in index.js.)
- index.js (imports all handling functions and defines endpoints)
- error.js (exports each function)
- home.js (exports each function)
- quotes.js (exports each function)
- views folder
- home.hbs (fills into body of homepage, no header )
- error.hbs (view for errors 500 and 404)
- quotes.hbs (fills into body of quotes page)
- layout folder
- main.hbs (common skeleton of page, no header)
- error.hbs (common skeleton for 404 and 500)
- partials folder
- head.hbs (metatags, fills into main.hbs)
- header.hbs (fills into quotes.hbs)
- form.hbs
- footer.hbs (fills into main.hbs)
- quotesByCategory.hbs (fills into quotes.hbs)
FORM ENDPOINT AND RENDERING'/submitquote', (req, res) => {
res.render("quote", {quotesArrayFromDatabase}
{{#each quotesArrayFromDatabase}}
- server side validation
- inserting PNG files in handlesbars
- Using FETCH- Not working well with redirecting
- Making tests for server errors
- Naming with the categories (lowercase in backend, capitalized in front end
- Lack of time for database testing