I got really tired of renaming files so I just made this silly litle script
Original | Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 |
DjiNt9Emzf.png | This is an example 1 .png | This_is_an_example_1_.png | This-is-an-example-1-.png |
AvVvziEb6d.png | This is an example 2 .png | This_is_an_example_2_.png | This-is-an-example-2-.png |
OLFKo6JnSg.png | This is an example 3 .png | This_is_an_example_3_.png | This-is-an-example-3-.png |
- Download this repository
git clone https://github.com/facundomartinezabeldano/Magic-Formatting.git
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Move the magic_formatting.py file to the directory where you want to mass change the file names
- run the script
python magic_formatting.py