Python BitGo SDK
Note: This requires Pycrypto >= 2.7a1 to encryped/decrypt keys.
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install pycoin
sudo pip install sjcl
tar xfz pycrypto-2.7a1.tar.gz
cd pycrypto-2.7a1
sudo python install
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
from bitgo import BitGo, BitGoException
def main(username, passphrase, otp="0000000"):
b = BitGo(use_production=False)
yield b.authenticate(username, passphrase, otp)
result = yield b.wallets.list()
wallets = result["wallets"]
addresses = wallets.keys()
if len(addresses) == 0:
# pick a wallet
address = addresses[0]
# get the full wallet
wallet = yield b.wallets.get(address)
# unlock
yield b.unlock(otp)
# send coins to yourself
tx = yield wallet.sendCoins(address, wallet.balance / 2, passphrase)
print tx
except BitGoException as e:
print e
main("[email protected]", "super secret")
Used to create your backup keychain BitGo.
Simply run:
python prod
Use the output of that program as the backup key for your BitGo wallet.
Remember to store the output in a safe and secure location.