This is the general backend server code for the Fairfield Programming Association. All of the code in this project is licensed under the ISC License- all contributions are welcome.
Since this is a community-aided project, we thought it would be simplier if everyone knew what each of the objects in the database were. On top of this, we included the properties that each object should have, along with their relationship to other objects.
If you have any questions about this model, or have a change to suggest, please make an issue on Github.
User <|-- Post
User <|-- PostLikes
Post <|-- PostLikes
User <|-- Relationship
User <|-- GroupMember
Group <|-- GroupMember
User : int id
User : date birthdate
User : string username
User : string firstname
User : string lastname
User : string phone_number
User : string email
User : string password_hash
User : string biography
User : object profile
User : object settings
class Post {
int id
string content
int reply_id
int user_id
class PostLikes {
int id
int post_id
int user_id
class Relationship {
int id
int source_id
int target_id
status_enum status
class Group {
int id
string title
string slug
string summary
object profile
object settings
class GroupMember {
int id
int user_id
int group_id
member_type role
- Request
- Rejected
- Active
- Blocked