Amity Checkpoint one
Space allocation system for amity Facility.
Amity has rooms which can be offices or living Spaces. These rooms are allocated to people in the amity facility and these people can either be Staff or Fellows. Only a Fellow can be given a living Space on top of office space.
clone the Repo into a folder of your choice
git clone
Create a virtual enviroment.
mkvirtualenv amity
Navigate to the root folder.
cd office-space-allocation
Install the packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Launching the Program.
Run create_room (O|L) <room_name>
to create a new room.
Run add_person<first_name> <last_name> (F | S) [--wants_accomodation=N/Y]
to add a person and assign them accommodation if they are of designation f(fellows).
Run save_state (--database=<sqlite_database>)
to save the current state of the program to any database name of your choice.
Run load_state<file_name>
to load data from any existing SQL database.
Run load_people<file_name>
to load data from any .txt format file.
Run reallocate_person <person_id> <new_room>
to transfer a person from one room to another
Run print_room<room_name>
to see the members in a given room.
Run print_unallocated
to print people that have not been allocated rooms.
Run delete_rooms <room_name>
to delete rooms
Run delete_employee <person_id>
to delete an employee
Run print_allocations
to print a list of people and the rooms they have been allocated to