An easy to deploy set of pre-configured VIM
plugins and configurations targeted to make Web Developers and System Administrators more happy ;)
clone the repo into your home
directorygit clone ~/.vim && cd ~/.vim ; git submodule update --init
insert the following in your
:" Source all settings if filereadable(glob("~/.vim/vimrc.local")) source ~/.vim/vimrc.local endif " Invert paste when \p or <F3> is pressed :nnoremap <leader>p :set invpaste<CR> :nnoremap <F3> :set invpaste<CR>
The following plugins are installed and configured:
- Better Whitespace
- CSS colors
- Editorconfig add Editorconfig support
- GIT.vim (GIT integration)
- Indent Guides
- NERDTree (Directory tree explorer)
- Pathogen (Vim plugin manager)
- PHP CS Fixer (integrate PHP-CS-Fixer)
- PHP-Doc
- PHP manual
- Sparkup (write HTML code faster)
- Terraform (adds a
command that runs terraform, with tab completion of subcommands) - UltiSnips (the power of snippets in vim; not loaded if py3 is not available)
- Vim-Symfony
- Web Indent (Javascript and HTML indenter)