BactFlow is a workflow for bacterial genome assembly of single isolate and metagenomics sequencing reads extracted from Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) and Illumina platforms. It is designed using Nextflow DSL 2 technology and reads the generic outputs of Guppy and Dorado basecallers.
- Clone the Repository
git clone
cd bactflow
mamba env create -f config.yml
cd ..
cp bactflow ~/.nextflow/assets/farhadm1990/
nextflow run bactflow --help
- Clone the Repository via
nextflow pull
nextflow pull farhadm1990/bactflow
nextflow run bactflow
- Setting up the conda environment by
internal funcitonenvSetUp()
: On the first lunch you can run the following code to create conda environment called bactflow and install the required packages within it.
nextflow run bactflow -r main --setup_only true
NOTE: the option --setup_only
is by default false
which means, the envSetUp()
function will be invoced automatically before running the downstream processes.
nextflow run bactflow --help -r main
Usage: nextflow run bactflow [options]
--setup_only #Only runs envSetUp(), default false.
--fastq_dir #Absolute path to the fastq_pass directory (required).
--concat_reads #Default true, it concatenates all your ONT basecaller 4000-chunk reads into one fastq file. Set it to false if it is already concatenated.
--extension #String; extention of basecalled fastq files; default '.fastq.gz'
--cpus #Number of available cpus; default 1.
--coverage_filter #If you want to normalize all your genomes to a certain coverage (default false).
--coverage #Only if '--coverage_filter true'; default is 50.
--genome_size #Genome size for coverage normalizaiton. Only if '--coverage_filter true'; default is 6.
--out_dir #Output directory of your final results. Default "genebrosh_output"
--tensor_batch #Medaka tensorflow batch size. Lower it in low coverage genomes. Default 200.
--nanofilter #Filtering reads for length and quality; default true.
--min_length #If '--nanofilter' true, filter reads below a certain read length (default 1000).
--min_quality #If '--nanofilter' true, filter reads below a certain read quality (default 16 for R10.4.1 flowcells).
--medaka_polish #If true, it will polish assembled genomes by medaka (dfault false).
--basecaller_model #Basecaller model for medaka polishing step. 'r1041_e82_400bps_hac_v4.2.0'
--genome_extension #Required if '--checkm_lineag_check true'; default fasta.
--run_flye #If true, it runs Flye assembler; default true.
--circle_genome #If true, it will fix the start of the genome to an arbitrary gene, e.g. dnaA. Default false.
--run_unicycler #If true, it runs Unicycler hybrid assemlber, default false.
--run_megahit #If true, it runs Megahit assembler, default false.
--run_spades #If true, it runs Spades assembler, default false.
--tax_class #If true, it runs GTBtk taxonomic classification, default false.
--prok_annot #If true, it runs gene annotaiton by Prokka, default false.
--run_checkm #If true, it runs checmk lineage and phylogenetic tree workflow.
--checkm_db #An absolute path to the Checkm database.
--gtdbtk_data_path #Absolute path to the GDBtk database.
--run_quast #Post-assembly stats by Quaset, default true.
--genome_dir #Path to already assembled genomes, only to run post-assembly tasks, e.g. taxonomy classification, gene annotations and quast or checkm
You can run taxonomic classification workflow by setting --tax_class true
. Alternatively, you can perform taxonomy classfiication on already-assembled genomes by adding --run_flye false. In this case you must provide the workflow with --genome_dir
; a directory to the assembled genome and a genome --extension fasta
or fa
. GTDBtk depends on an external datasbase which can be downloaded and extracted as follows:
tar xvzf gtdbtk_data.tar.gz
The full path of the extracted must be proveded to the pipline nextflow.config
file or when running the pipeline via --gtdbtk_data_path /home/databases/gtdbtk_db/release220
for example.
In the first lunch of the program, process envSetUP
will be invoked and it creates a conda environment called bactflow
. In some conda environment, the following error could be raised:
miniconda3/envs/bactflow/etc/conda/deactivate.d/ line 3: xml_catalog_files_libxml2: unbound variable
You can open the file and add edit it as follows and rerun bactflow
if [ -n "${xml_catalog_files_libxml2:-}" ]; then
export XML_CATALOG_FILES="${xml_catalog_files_libxml2}"
unset xml_catalog_files_libxml2