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Midas is a debug adapter that utilizes the GDB/MI interface while also integrating into the experience an ease of use of rr. It also aims to be as fast as GDB/rr allows for non-trivial applications and as such uses GDB's great Python integration to be faster than some debug adapters, where possible.

Be sure to check out non-self documenting Midas-features if this document doesn't interest you! It explains how to use things like subscript operators, find first operators, debug console, hexadecimal formatting, etc!

Midas defines a set of debug sessions. A "normal debug session" is launching a new session with a specified program to debug. The "attach debug session" launches a debug session that attaches to currently running program. A "replayable debug session" consists of launching a RR replay and debug that. All of these debug sessions also come with the additional "remote session" flavor which consists of connecting to a remote target machine to debug there.



0.20.0 - 0.22.X

  • Logpoints as a breakpoint type added. Example usage is shown here
  • Return values are displayed in Locals scope after a stepOut command has been issued. It's displayed as (Return value): .
  • Fixed issue with new interpreter where sub-objects in the Variables view, couldn't be added to Watch by right-clicking -> Add To Watch. That's fixed now.
  • Fixed other requested issues by users. Thanks for creating issues!

New interpreter 0.20.0 and up

In the coming releases, Midas will start using it's custom DAP implementation inside GDB, as a polyfill for those who can't use the very newest GDB, which itself will have a built in DAP interpreter (hopefully) in release 14.0. This pretty major refactor aims to achieve 2 things, the aforementioned polyfill as well as being a more stable debug adapter as this relieves Midas of much it's responsibility since we don't have to work around some of the more quirky parts of GDB to maintain an acceptable debugging experience as far as performance goes.

As such, users can (should) set the use-dap flag in launch.json (for all session types) to true. Only if Midas stops working, should you turn this off (please, file an issue on github, whether or not you can determine what is not working). See normal debug session, attach session etc.

You should definitely keep the setting use-dap: true if you don't encounter problems.

RR session configuration change

Starting with this version all midas-rr sessions (RR sessions) will have the configuration go from launch to attach type. See launch.json example for example.

Attach configuration change

Debugging remote targets has changed to look more like how one would do it naturally in GDB. As such the remoteTargetConfig has been removed in favor of target. See example below.

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Q & A

Join the matrix room for questions. Office hours are every waking moment of the day ;)


Midas is developed exclusively for GDB with Python integration in mind. If you are running a GDB which does not support it, or hasn't been built with Python functionality, Midas will not work, at all.

And as it's developed with rr in mind, Linux is also a requirement.

To check whether or not GDB has been built with Python, from a terminal write

gdb --config

This will give you a list of GDB features built in. In this list, something like this should be shown:

--with-python=/usr (relocatable)
--with-python-libdir=/usr/lib (relocatable)

Midas has been tested with the following GDB versions

  • GDB 9.1, GDB 11.1 and GDB built from source
  • rr 5.5.0: seeing as how this uses the GDB remote serial protocol, earlier versions should probably be fine

Currently Midas will only work for GDB versions above 9.1 due to the nature of the Python implementation of earlier GDB versions. There might be some work put into getting earlier versions to work. But it might not be possible depending on how far back Python support exists in GDB.

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Toolchain management

Midas aims to be able to support full toolchain management for debugging. At the moment, it currently only supports management of RR.

If you don't have RR installed, Midas provides 3 ways of installing it for you. You execute the midas function Get RR (ctrl + shift + p to open the panel, type: Midas: get rr and hit enter) at which point you can choose to either:

  • Install from repository
  • Download .deb or .rpm file (Midas will figure out what package manager you are using) and install using that.
  • Build from source (recommended choice by Midas developers)

This will install RR and also make it available from the VSCode terminal by simply entering rr as a command. If you let Midas manage the RR tool, you do not have to specify the path to RR in your launch.json file anymore.

Currently, all three ways require that you run a Linux system that uses either dnf or apt as package managers to resolve dependencies. The first two options installs RR system wide, while the 3rd option (Build from source) downloads the latest master from github and builds it locally and places it in the Midas extension folder. This folder is typically found in $HOME/.config/Code/User/globalStorage/farrese-midas/.... For this to work you must not be running a virtual environment like virtualenv. If you are, open a VSCode window in a source folder where it's not active and re-run the command from there.

N.B! You will be required to input your sudo password for all three of these to work. A message box will ask you if this is OK. Midas does not store your password nor any other information about you.

In the future, the idea is that GDB should also be managed to be able to keep up with all the new features and optimization work that is being put into GDB by the great developers who are working on GDB. The justification for this, is that just in version 12 of GDB, debug symbol parsing was greatly optimized making life a lot better for people working on non-trivial applications of millions of lines of code. Midas wants to be able to make the process of staying on "current" as much as possible, as an opt-in feature.

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Launch configuration

Midas defines different debug sessions; "normal", "attach", and "replayable" and all three also come with an additional "remote" flavor, where the actual program is being run on a remote target.

The quickest way to configure is to open up the launch.json file and hit the auto-complete keybinding (defaul: ctrl+space) and start typing "midas" and you will find the different session settings.

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Normal debug session

  "type": "midas-gdb",
  "request": "launch",
  "name": "Launch Debug",
  "program": "/path/to/binary",
  "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
  "use-dap": true, // set to false only if Midas stops working.
  "gdbPath": "gdb", // if GDB is on $PATH, this field is not required
  "stopOnEntry": true,
  "trace": "Off",
  "allStopMode": true

Required values are

  • type
  • request: launch
  • program: path/to/binary

Default values for non-required (or non-set) properties:

  • trace: "Off"
  • stopOnEntry: false
  • allStopMode: true
  • gdbPath: gdb (meaning, if gdb doesn't exist on $PATH you will have to set this)

All stop mode, means that all stop / continue actions halt or start threads in unison.

Trace has the following settings:

  • "Off", no logging
  • "GDB events" - gdb events are logged to the developer console
  • "Python logs" - logs performance and debug messages to performance_time.log, error.log and debug.log.
  • "Full" all logging turned on.

The log files will be found where the extension is installed (typically at $HOME/.vscode/extensions/...). These are currently very bare bones though.

To "run" the inferior (debugged program) in an external console, add the externalConsole field. Depending on the debug session type it takes different values. For a normal debug session it might look like:

"externalConsole": {
    "path": "x-terminal-emulator",
    "closeTerminalOnEndOfSession": true,
    "endSessionOnTerminalExit": true


"externalConsole": {
    "path": "x-terminal-emulator",
    "closeTerminalOnEndOfSession": true,

Since the rr debug session relies on rr running, closing the terminal where it's running externally, will end the debug session. These fields are described in the UI when setting up a launch.json.

However, currently this is only tested on Ubuntu, thus it uses x-terminal-emulator alias with pretty specific parameters. If your linux distro, spawns a shell with this command, external console should work on your Linux distro as well;

x-terminal-emulator -e sh -c "tty > /tmp/someFileMidasDecidesAtRunTime && echo $$ >> /tmp/someFileMidasDecidesAtRunTime && sleep 100000000000000"

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Replayable RR debug session

A minimum required launch config for RR is really simple as Midas will query RR for it's traces in $RR_TRACE_DIR.

  "type": "midas-rr",
  "request": "attach",
  "use-dap": true, // set to false if Midas stops working.
  "name": "Minimum rr",
  "trace": "Off",

This requires that GDB and rr can be found in $PATH (or that the latter was built by Midas). It is recommended that you provide setupCommands: ["set auto-load safe-path /"] so that GDB can load whatever pretty printers, or other functionality needed by your debugging experience. If security is a concern, replace the root path (/) with the path you need. Information about GDB auto loading.

Configuration example, for a rr debug session of for example a firefox test:

  "type": "midas-rr",
  "request": "attach",
  "name": "Launch replay debug session",
  "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
  "use-dap": true,
  "stopOnEntry": true,
  "trace": "Off",
  "gdbPath": "gdb",
  "rrPath": "rr",
  "setupCommands": ["set print object on", "set auto-load safe-path /"]

However, you shouldn't have to fill out a placeholder for yourself, VSCode should be able to provide auto-completion like it normally does (default trigger usually is ctrl + space), shown below.

Default Launch config

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Attach session

Attaching to a running process is basically done and setup the same way. Midas will provide a default setting:

  "type": "midas-gdb",
  "request": "attach",
  "name": "Attach",
  "program": "${workspaceFolder}",
  "use-dap": true,
  "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
  "trace": "Off",
  "pid": "${command:getPid}",
  "gdbPath": "gdb",
  "setupCommands": [],
  "attachOnFork": false

Leave PID field as is (or remove the field entirely) and you will be asked for it at debug session launch where you can type either the PID directly or the process name and get a list of PID's to choose from (if only 1 exists, it automatically gets picked).

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Remote debug sessions

To use Midas to debug an application running on a remote target, the user must have first started a gdbserver that is running the application and listening for connections on some address. To connect to a gdbserver at address, use following configuration.

  "type": "midas-gdb",
  "request": "attach",
  "name": "Attach to remote debug session hosted by gdbserver",
  "setupCommands": [
    "set substitute-path /home/foo/dev/remote-path /home/foo/dev/local-path"
  ], // set of GDB commands you want executed before debugging starts.
  "use-dap": true,
  "target": {
    "type": "remote", // "extended-remote" or "remote"
    "parameter": "" // the parameter to the `target remote/extended-remote` command on the GDB CLI.

If the remote session is an RR replay, just replace midas-gdb with midas-rr in the type field launch.json.

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Setup commands

Another field that can be added is the setupCommands which takes an array of strings that are GDB commands to be executed before loading the binary or file containing symbols (the -iex "someCommand here"). Below is an example of such

  "type": "midas-gdb",
  "request": "launch",
  "name": "Launch Debug",
  "program": "${workspaceFolder}/path/binary",
  "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
  "use-dap": true,
  "stopOnEntry": true,
  "trace": "Off",
  "allStopMode": true,
  "setupCommands": ["set print object on", "set auto-load safe-path /"]

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Since VSCode is aimed to be as general as possible, some functionality might never be represented in the UI - as such it might appear unintuitive. Describing such functionality is found here, like setting watch points, formatting displayed values etc. It's recommended to skim through, to get to know useful Midas features.

If Midas behaves strangely, there exists a midas command (Create github issue log) that aims to make reports easier to file. It creates a new virtual document with the error logs. Please use this when filing a issue. It gets the rr and gdb version from the launch.json configuration of the active running debug session you've provided and also tries to figure out the Linux distro you are using. To access this midas command open the control panel (default shortcut for VSCode is ctrl+shift+P). and type `Create github issue". Example below. Issue logs. Either save this file and add it to the issue or paste it into the issue itself. This command needs to be executed while the debug session is active & running in order for it to work. The logs it copies from are non-persistent to not swamp your file system.

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To package extension, run the alias yarn package or vsce package --yarn (vsce needs to be installed; npm install -g vsce)


Can be found here

Known bugs

Can be found here