- Best practice for "cnnClassifier"
- conda create -n env1 python=3.8 -y
- conda activate env1
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Add a code in init__.py
- Define a logger.
- Define a test.py for check a logger.
- Run in Git Bash python test.py for check a logger.
- [2023-11-04 17:40:07,657: INFO: test: Welcome to our custom Log].
- implementation utils
- make a common.py
- yaml file and ensure_annotations and json and box and pathlib .....
- For explain ensure_annotations i add a in research folder trials.ipynb.
- Update config.yaml
- Update secrets.yaml [Optional]
- Update params.yaml
- Update the entity
- Update the configuration manager in src config
- Update the components
- Update the pipeline
- Update the main.py
- Go to config folder----> config.yaml
- create a st_01.ipynb in research folder.
- Add data_ingestion and add Github address :
- Fill a params.yaml example(key:val)- This part should not be empty and after that we will add a right code .
- Go to research folder and create a st_01.ipynb and make a Data Ingestion stage
- Go to constants folder and add a code in init__.py .
- Go to st_01.ipynb in research folder and add a configuration manager code.
- Go to utils and add a code in init__.py .
- Go to st_01.ipynb and add a code in configuration manager again.
- Write a data ingestion class.
- Go back to root folder and run a code .(os.chdir("../"))
- Run all code
- Go to .gitignore and add a artifacts/* in end of code for help to Git Commit(is used to ignore everything in the artifacts/ directory) .
Create a file inside component " data_ingestion.py "
Create a file inside entity " config_entity.py "
Copy from "st_01.ipynb" code data class and paste to config_entity.py
After that Update the configuration manager and Create a file in " config " a configuration.py
Copy from "st_01.ipynb" code configuration manager to "configuration.py" import read_yaml and constants and pathlib and os .
Copy from "st_01.ipynb" code configuration manager to "configuration.py" code " class ConfigurationManager ".
Go to the "entity" and inside a init.py add a code "DataIngestionConfig".
Go to config and inside a "configuration.py" add a code cnnClassifier.entity import (DataIngestionConfig).
Now Update the components:
Go to "components" and inside a "data_ingestion.py" add a code from "st_01.ipynb" code "data_ingestion".
Add a tqdm(Import the tqdm module for progress bars) and pathlib(Import the Path class from the pathlib module).
Add a logger(Import a custom logger module) and get_size(Import a custom utility function for getting file size).
Copy from "st_01.ipynb" code "class DataIngestion" code by modification and add a "logger" in previous code .
- Create a file inside a pipeline "stage_01_data_ingestion.py" and call a method from "st_01.ipynb" code "DataIngestion class".
- Go to the "config" and inside a init.py add a code "ConfigurationManager".
- Go to the "components" and inside a init.py add a code "DataIngestion" .
- Go to the pipeline "stage_01_data_ingestion.py" add a code "DataIngestion" and " logger ".
- add a class DataIngestionTrainingPipeline in pipeline "stage_01_data_ingestion.py" .
- Try-Except Block Copy from "st_01.ipynb" .
- Create a main.py and input from pipeline "stage_01_data_ingestion.py" code into the main.py .
- Add a "DataIngestionTrainingPipeline" and "logger" .
- Lets Run a code ,But at first delete a "artifacts" folder.
- Go to Git Bash command and write a : python main.py
- We should see a all "running_logs" in logs folder .
- Go to research folder and create a "st_02.ipynb"
- Go to "params.yaml" and add a code .
- Go to config folder----> config.yaml add "prepare_base_model" .
- Go to the entity folder and inside "Config_entity.py" copy entity class into the "st_02.ipynb".
- Copy from "st_01.ipynb" code configuration manager and add into the "st_02.ipynb" .
- Copy from "st_01.ipynb" code Class "ConfigurationManager" and change base on "PrepareBaseModelConfig".
- Add a library from "st_01.ipynb" and add code into as new.
- Define a PrepareBaseModel class.(update_base_model and prepare_full_model ....)
- Write a code for test a model base on "ConfigurationManager" and get_prepare_base_model_config .
- Total params: 14,764,866
- Trainable params: 50,178
- Non-trainable params: 14,714,688
- Open a artifacts folder and we have other model " prepare_base_model" and inside folder : Training model ---->"base_model_updated.h5" and Base model----> "base_model.h5"
- Create a file inside component "prepare_base_model.py " .
- Copy from "st_02.ipynb" code @dataclass(frozen=True)-------> "class PrepareBaseModelConfig" and paste to "config_entity.py"
- Copy from "st_02.ipynb" in "class ConfigurationManager" code add code "def get_prepare_base_model_config" code into the config_entity.py" .
- go to the "config" folder and add code in "configuration.py"-----> PrepareBaseModelConfig in code from cnnClassifier.entity import for active it go to next step.
- Go to the "entity" and inside a init.py add a code "PrepareBaseModelConfig" .
- Go to the component "prepare_base_model.py " and Copy from "st_02.ipynb" in "PrepareBaseModel class" copy all code and paste to component "prepare_base_model.py ".
- We have missing file and add into the code in "pathlib" and "tensorflow" and "cnnClassifier.entity" .
- Create a file inside a pipeline "stage_02_prepare_base_model.py" and go to the "stage_01_data_ingestion.py" and copy all file and insted of "DataIngestionTrainingPipeline"---->
- ----- > add a "PrepareBaseModelTrainingPipeline" and change a code and go to "st_02.ipynb" and copy from "Test a model" and add code to "stage_02_prepare_base_model.py".
- Go to the "components" and inside a init.py add a code "from cnnClassifier.components.prepare_base_model import PrepareBaseModel".
- Go to the "main.py" and add a code "from ..... import PrepareBaseModelTrainingPipeline" and then add code "STAGE_NAME = "Prepare base model" .
- For check a loggers , first delete a "artifacts" folder and open a Git Bash and Write a " python main.py".
- Open a logs and see all loggs .
- Go to the research folder and create a "st_03.ipynb" add basic code.
- Go to config folder----> config.yaml and add code "prepare_callbacks"
- Add dataclasses code .
- Add library "cnnClassifier.constants" and "cnnClassifier.utils"
- Add a class ConfigurationManager code .
Add a libraries
Define a PrepareCallback class
Define a Test model (config.get_prepare_callback_config).
Run a code
Go to "artifacts" folder and "prepare_callbacks" created there and there are two folder "checkpoint_dir" and "tensorboard_log_dir"
Go to "st_03.ipynb" into the "entity" code copy a "@dataclass(frozen=True)" code into the entity folder "config_entity.py"
Go to the entity folder "init.py" and add a code " PrepareCallbacksConfig" .
Go to "st_03.ipynb" into the Define a configuration manager copy def get_prepare_callback_config code and paste it into the Config folder and "configuration.py" ------->
-------->def get_prepare_callback_config(self) -> PrepareCallbacksConfig code then add a "PrepareCallbacksConfig" into the " from cnnClassifier.entity import" .
Create a file inside a "components" as s " prepare_callback.py " and copy a code from "st_03.ipynb"-----> components PrepareCallback class and paste to "prepare_callback.py" with library code .
Go to the "components" folder and in " init.py" folder add code : "...........import PrepareCallback"
No need to add a pipeline stage "PrepareCallback" ,because PrepareCallback only responsible for Training and we will do in other stage as a "stage_03_training.py".
- Go to the "research" and create a " st_04.ipynb " and add code for go to "cnnClassifier" .
- Make a data class and base on create a "entity " code .
- Go to config folder----> config.yaml and add code "training" .
Go to the " st_04.ipynb " folder and write a library .
Add a code from "st_03.ipynb" class ConfigurationManager into the " st_04.ipynb " and then add training related configuration class into the code .
Add a code from "st_03.ipynb" library for class PrepareCallback at first add a: "import time"
Then create a PrepareCallback class base on "st_03.ipynb" and copy and paste .
Create a Training Components and copy code from "st_03.ipynb" library .
Create a " class training " and then "def get_base_model" and then add a "def train_valid_generator" for image classification and "Staticmethod" and "Training method".
Add a code from "st_03.ipynb" Test a model and add a "Training config" into the code .
Check a "artifacts" and we have a "training" folder and inside it------> model.h5
To see a prepare_callbacks : Go to the "artifacts" folder and "prepare_callbacks" folder and open a "tensorboard_log_dir" for run and see a log -----> Git Bash write a commend : " tensorboard --logdir=artifacts/prepare_callbacks/tensorboard_log_dir/ "
This message appear : Serving TensorBoard on localhost; to expose to the network, use a proxy or pass --bind_all TensorBoard 2.10.0 at http://localhost:6006/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
- Go to the SRC --------> Components --------> Create a "training.py"
- Add a code from "st_04.ipynb" and copy "Entity" @dataclass and copy to "entity"--------> config_entity.py .
- Go to the "entity"--------> init.py and add a code " TrainingConfig ".
- Add a code from "st_04.ipynb" and copy code into the configuration manager def get_training_config .after that add entity code into the "from cnnClassifier.entity import" .
- Add a code from "st_04.ipynb" training components and add into the "training.py" . At first add a library like: "cnnClassifier" and "tensorflow" and "pathlib" then all "class Training" code into the "training.py" .
I need a create a file into the "pipeline"-------> "stage_03_training.py"
After that go to the "components" folder and add a code into the "init.py" code "from cnnClassifier.components.training import Training"
Go to the "stage_03_training.py" and add a code "ConfigurationManager" and "PrepareCallback, Training" and "logger" .
Go to the "stage_02_prepare_base_model.py" and copy a "class PrepareBaseModelTrainingPipeline" and modification base on new "stage_03_training.py".
Go to the "main.py" and then add a "cnnClassifier.pipeline.stage_03_training " code "STAGE_NAME = "Training"
For test a code delete a "artifacts" folder and then open a terminal "python main.py" and "training" model created .
- Go to the "research" folder and create a "st_05.ipynb" and add a code .
- add a "import tensorflow as tf". in code .
- Need to load "training model" into the "artifacts" folder "training------> model.h5 .
- Load a model in "training" folder .
- Copy a code from "st_04.ipynb" and copy "Entity" @dataclass.
- After that import a library and add a "save_json" into the code .
- Add a code from "st_04.ipynb" and copy code into the configuration manager def "def get_validation_config(self) -> EvaluationConfig:" .
- Create a "class Evaluation" and "valid_generator" and "valid_datagenerator" and "evaluation method" .
- Test a model and add a "ConfigurationManager" and "Run a evaluation method".
- you must see a "INFO: common: json file saved at: scores.json" after run .
- After that open a "scores.json" file and see a "loss" and "accuracy" result .
- create a "evaluation.py" inside Components .
- Go to the "stage_05" for copy entity and copy in "entity" folder ----> "config_entity.py" (just delete a "all_params: dict" code ) and change a "path_of_model=self.config.training.trained_model_path," and "training_data=self.config.data_ingestion.unzip_dir," .
- Go to the "config" folder ----> "configuration.py" and inside configuration manager copy code "def get_validation_config(self)".
- After that add a code as "EvaluationConfig" in "from cnnClassifier.entity import" and then Go to the "entity"--------> init.py and add a code "EvaluationConfig".
- Go to the Components folder "evaluation.py" and import a library .
- Go to the "stage_05" and copy from Components "class Evaluation" and paste into the "evaluation.py" .
- After that go to the "components" folder and add a code into the "init.py" code "from cnnClassifier.components.evaluation import Evaluation".
Create a file into the "pipeline" -------> "stage_04_evaluation.py" and copy code base on "stage_03_training.py" and insted of "PrepareCallback, Training" add a "Evaluation" and "EvaluationPipeline" and delete some code and add code from "st_05.ipynb" add code "Test Model-pipeline" .
Go to the "main.py" and then add a "from cnnClassifier.pipeline.stage_04_evaluation import EvaluationPipeline " code "STAGE_NAME = "Evaluation stage"" .
For test a code delete a "artifacts" folder and "scores.json" then open a terminal "python main.py" and "training" model created .
- create a "app.py" for make a application and training and prediction result and we will use a "flask" to create a api and HTML code.
- we install a "Flask" and "Flask-Cors" in "requirements.txt" (Be carfull for install it).
- Create a " templates " folder for HTML (index.html) code .
- Create a "index.html" in templates.
- For "index.html" sample just go to the : https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/examples/
- Go to the SRC --------> "pipeline" folder and create a "predict.py" and add library.
- Add a "class DogCat" into the "predict.py" then add a "def predictiondogcat" into the code .
- Go to the utils --------> "common.py" file and add a code "def decodeImage" and "encodeImageIntoBase64" .
- after that import in utils --------> "common.py" library "import base64" .
- Go to the "app.py" and add a code .
- Go to the Git Bash and write a " python app.py "
- Copy this link after result " " ctrl + right click
- Object Classification Html page appear .
Test a app.py with add a ""
- Before test delete a "artifacts" and "scores.json"
- See error appear in Git bash "OSError: No file or directory found at artifacts\training\model.h5" .
- Go to the html and add a "/train" --> "" after that "artifacts" and "scores.json" created again and after complete we see in "artifacts------>training------> model.h5 file .
- Once again check a Cat or Dog image and see predict result .
- @app.route("/train", methods=['GET','POST'])
- @cross_origin()
- def trainRoute():
- os.system("python main.py")
- return "Training done successfully!" ---------> After complete we will see in "html" page .
EC2 access : It is virtual machine
ECR: Elastic Container registry to save your docker image in aws
Build docker image of the source code
Push your docker image to ECR
Launch Your EC2
Pull Your image from ECR in EC2
Lauch your docker image in EC2
Create ECR repo to store/save docker image
- Save the URI: 566373416292.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/catdog
Create EC2 machine (Ubuntu)
Open EC2 and Install docker in EC2 Machine:
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get upgrade
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
newgrp docker
- Configure EC2 as self-hosted runner:
- setting>actions>runner>new self hosted runner> choose os> then run command one by one
- Setup github secrets:
AWS_REGION = us-east-1
AWS_ECR_LOGIN_URI = demo>> 566373416292.dkr.ecr.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com