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MOM6 hgrids

Enhui Liao edited this page Mar 15, 2019 · 9 revisions

hgrid file include all the rho, psi, u, v, dx, dy, area information.

The relationship is described here

Mosaic grid specification A mosaic grid specification makes use of a "supergrid" which is a simple grid which is an integer refinement of the target model grid. The grid specification provides the bare minimum metrics for the supergrid cells which can be combined by aggregation to obtain the appropriate metrics for the model grid. A logically rectangular grid (LRG) mosaic specification will contain

ni - Number of columns in x-direction
nj - Number of rows in y-direction
x[nj+1,ni+1] - x-coordinate of the grid vertices
y[nj+1,ni+1] - y-coordinate of the grid vertices
area[nj,ni] - area of each cell
dx[nj+1,ni] - length of the edges of constant j-index
dy[nj,ni+1] - length of the edges of constant -index


The data has different shapes depending on location which means that an indexing convention is not needed. The is no redundant data, except: For an x-periodic domain, the x,y and $\Delta y$ data along the left and right edges should be identical data. Similar for a y-periodic domain (unusual in global models), the x,y and $\Delta x$ data along the top and bottom edges should be identical data. Mosaic index relationship to model index The refined resolution of a mosaic with respect to a model grid means one needs to calculate relative indices. Using a python index convention that starts at 0, netcdf index-order (j,i) and assuming a refinement factor of 2:

The x,y location of h[j,i] is at x[2j+1,2i+1],y[2j+1,2i+1]
so that h[0,0] is at x[1,1],y[1,1],  h[0,1] is at x[1,3],y[1,3], etc.
The x,y location of q[j,i] is at x[2j,2i],y[2j,2i]
so that q[0,0] is at x[0,0],y[0,0],  q[0,1] is at x[0,2],y[0,2], etc.
The x,y location of u[j,i] is at x[2j+1,2i],y[2j+1,2i]
so that u[0,0] is at x[1,0],y[1,0],  u[0,1] is at x[1,2],y[1,2], etc.
The x,y location of v[j,i] is at x[2j,2i+1],y[2j,2i+1]
so that v[0,0] is at x[0,1],y[0,1],  v[0,1] is at x[0,3],y[0,3], etc.
The distance between u-points, centered at h[j,i] is dxh[j,i] = dx[2j+1,2i] + dx[2j+1,2i+1]
The distance between v-points, centered at h[j,i] is dxh[j,i] = dy[2j,2i+1] + dy[2j+1,2i+1]
The distance between q-points, centered at v[j,i] is dxCv[j,i] = dx[2j,2i] + dx[2j,2i+1]
The distance between q-points, centered at u[j,i] is dyCu[j,i] = dy[2j,2i] + dy[2j+1,2i]
The distance between h-points, centered at u[j,i] is dxCu[j,i] = dx[2j+1,2i-1] + dx[2j+1,2i]
(note periodic wrapping of i-index is needed)
The distance between h-points, centered at v[j,i] is dyCv[j,i] = dy[2j-1,2i+1] + dx[2j,2i+1]
(note periodic wrapping of j-index is needed)
The distance between v-points, centered at q[j,i] is dxBu[j,i] = dx[2j,2i-1] + dx[2j,2i]
(note periodic wrapping of i-index is needed)
The distance between u-points, centered at q[j,i] is dyBu[j,i] = dy[2j-1,2i] + dx[2j,2i]
(note periodic wrapping of j-index is needed)
The area of an h-cell, centered at h[j,i] is areah[j,i] = area[2j,2i] + area[2j,2i+1] + area[2j+1,2i] + area[2j+1,2i+1]
The area of a q-cell, centered at q[j,i] is areaBu[j,i] = area[2j-1,2i-1] + area[2j-1,2i] + area[2j,2i-1] + area[2j,2i]
(note periodic wrapping of i- and j-index is needed)
The area of a u-cell, centered at u[j,i] is areaCu[j,i] = area[2j,2i-1] + area[2j,2i] + area[2j+1,2i-1] + area[2j+1,2i]
(note periodic wrapping of i-index is needed)
The area of a v-cell, centered at v[j,i] is areaCv[j,i] = area[2j-1,2i] + area[2j-1,2i+1] + area[2j,2i] + area[2j,2i+1]
(note periodic wrapping of j-index is needed)

Another one is here. This change ROMS grid to MOM6 hgrid

lon[::2,::2] = nc.variables['lon_psi'][:,:] # Cell corners
lon[1::2,1::2] = nc.variables['lon_rho'][1:-1,1:-1] # Cell centers (drop outside row and column)
lon[1::2,::2] = nc.variables['lon_u'][1:-1,:] # U-points (drop outside row)
lon[::2,1::2] = nc.variables['lon_v'][:,1:-1] # V-points (drop outside column)
lat[::2,::2] = nc.variables['lat_psi'][:,:] # Cell corners
lat[1::2,1::2] = nc.variables['lat_rho'][1:-1,1:-1] # Cell centers (drop outside row and column)
lat[1::2,::2] = nc.variables['lat_u'][1:-1,:] # U-points (drop outside row)
lat[::2,1::2] = nc.variables['lat_v'][:,1:-1] # V-points (drop outside column) fig to show the rho psi u v in the hgrid

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