This is a simple ingest/retrieve/update/delete benchmark to compare performance of Fedora 3 and Fedora 4.
The suite consists of a jar file which can be run directly. The Fedora version will be automatically discovered depending on the given URL.
The url should include the context path of the webapp. For example http://localhost:8080/fcrepo
for a Fedora version deployed at the context path fcrepo
usage: BenchTool
-a,--action <action> The action to perform. Can be
one of ingest, read, update
or delete. [default=ingest]
-f,--fedora-url <fedora-url> The URL of the Fedora
instance. The url must
include the context path of
the webapp.
-h,--help print the help screen
-l,--log <log> The log file to which the
durations will get written.
-n,--num-actions <num-actions> The number of actions
performed. [default=1]
-p,--password <password> The user's password
-pt,--prep-tx <boolean> Whether to perform
preparation and tear down
steps as transactions for
supporting Fedora versions.
Boolean. [default=true]
-s,--size <size> The size of the individual
binaries used. Sizes with a
k,m,g or t postfix will be
interpreted as kilo-, mega-,
giga- and terabyte
-t,--num-threads <num-threads> The number of threads used
for performing all actions.
-ta,--tx-num-actions <num-actions-per-tx> Maximum number of actions to
perform per transaction.
Values <= 0 indicate
unlimited actions.
-tp,--tx-parallel <num-parallel-tx> Number of transactions to
perform simultaneously.
-tx,--tx-mode <tx-mode> The transaction mode, can be
one of none, commit or
rollback. [default=none]
-u,--user <user> The fedora user name
-g,--no-purge <boolean> Whether or not to purge the
created objects after the run.
-p,--property <boolean> Perform action ingest, read,
update, or delete on a
Login with the user fedoraAdmin
and the passwd changeme
and ingest 1000 Objects each with one datastream of 1024kb size
#> java -jar target/bench-tool-${VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar -f http://localhost:8080/fedora -u fedoraAdmin -p changeme -s 1048576 -n 1000
Login with the user fedoraAdmin
and the passwd changeme
and update 1000 Objects each with one datastream of 1024kb size
#> java -jar target/bench-tool-${VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar -f http://localhost:8080/fedora -u fedoraAdmin -p changeme -s 1048576 -n 1000 -a update
Ingest 1000 Objects each with one datastream of 1024kb size using a max of 15 threads
#> java -jar target/bench-tool-${VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar -f http://localhost:8080/fcrepo -s 1048576 -n 1000 -t 15
Delete 1000 Objects with a single thread
#> java -jar target/bench-tool-${VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar -f http://localhost:8080/fcrepo -s 1048576 -n 1000 -t 15 -a delete
The durations file can be easily turned into a graph using gnuplot. It supports a variety of output formats.
gnuplot> set term svg
gnuplot> set output "durations.svg"
gnuplot> plot "durations.log" title "Duration" with lines
gnuplot> exit
gnuplot> set term png
gnuplot> set output "durations.png"
gnuplot> plot "durations.log" title "Duration" with lines
gnuplot> exit