Runs fcrepo performance tests against a documented test profile.
- Provision a bunch of cluster nodes with a jvm, mvn..
- Currently you still need to clone and build the benchtool locally, since it is not in a maven repository.
On each node: 2. Edit your maven settings file, adding profile for local machine config:
<!-- this should be an apache host, running mod_proxy to load balance f4 nodes -->
<!-- local node storage, by default within target -->
<!-- your cluster host name, port -->
Establish your storage location on nodes, some place like /data/tests
Clone this repository into your storage location:
git clone
Run a maven build to verify it works:
cd fcrepo-test-profiles mvn -U -P platform-cluster-baseline,repository-100o-50mb-3t clean verify
This will start and stop the Fedora webapp within Jetty, giving it the chosen configuration profiles.
Run your tests by adding a workflow profile:
mvn -U -P platform-cluster-baseline,repository-100o-50mb-3t,workflow-profile clean verify