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SemEval-2018 Task 1 Affect in Tweets Evaluation Script

Evaluation Script for SemEval-2018 Task 1: Affect in Tweets.

1. Evaluation Script

The evaluation script calculates the performance metrics between the gold standard scores and the given predictions.

1.1. Prerequisites

1.2. Usage

python <task_type> <file-predictions> <file-gold> 

The parameter <task_type> can take three possible values:

  • 1 for regression (EI-reg and V-reg tasks)
  • 2 for ordinal classification (EI-oc and V-oc tasks)
  • 3 for multi-label classification (E-c tasks).

1.3. Format

Each input file must have the format specified in the competition's website.

If you want to use the script for format checking, evaluate your predictions against themselves:

python 1 EI-reg_en_fear_pred.txt EI-reg_en_fear_pred.txt

2. Weka Baseline System

We have implemented a WEKA package called AffectiveTweets to be used as a baseline system. The package allows calculating multiple features from a tweet and can be used together with many machine learning methods implemented in WEKA. Installation instructions are given in the project's webpage. Make sure to install the latest version (1.0.1) as well as the LibLinear package before running the examples from below.

2.1. Data to Arff

The script allows you to convert the task data into the arff WEKA format.


python <data_type> <input_file> <output file>

The parameter <data_type> can take three possible values:

  • 1 for regression data (EI-reg, V-reg)
  • 2 for ordinal classification data (EC-oc, V-oc)
  • 3 for multi-label emotion classification data (E-C).

2.2. Convert Weka Predictions into the Task's Submission Format

The script can be used for converting weka predictions into the official submission format.


python <data_type> <original_test_data> <weka_predictions> <output file>

The parameter <data_type> can take two possible values:

  • 1 for regression data (EI-reg, V-reg)
  • 2 for ordinal classification data (EC-oc, V-oc)

Note: the current version of this script can only convert predictions made for the regression and ordinal classification tasks.

2.3. Examples

SVM Regression on EI-reg-En Anger

In this example we will train an SVM regression (from LibLinear) on EI-reg-En-anger-train using unigrams as features, and we will deploy the classifier on the corresponding development set.

  1. Convert training and dev sets into arff format:
python 1 EI-reg-En-anger-train.txt EI-reg-En-anger-train.arff
python 1 2018-EI-reg-En-anger-dev.txt 2018-EI-reg-En-anger-dev.arff
  1. Train the classifier using Weka and save the predictions made on the dev set as a csv file:
java -Xmx4G -cp $WEKA_FOLDER/weka.jar weka.Run weka.classifiers.meta.FilteredClassifier -t EI-reg-En-anger-train.arff -T 2018-EI-reg-En-anger-dev.arff -classifications "weka.classifiers.evaluation.output.prediction.CSV -use-tab -p first-last -file EI-reg-En-anger-weka-predictions.csv" -F "weka.filters.MultiFilter -F \"weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TweetToSparseFeatureVector -E 5 -D 3 -I 0 -F -M 2 -G 0 -taggerFile $HOME/wekafiles/packages/AffectiveTweets/resources/model.20120919 -wordClustFile $HOME/wekafiles/packages/AffectiveTweets/resources/50mpaths2.txt.gz -Q 1 -stemmer weka.core.stemmers.NullStemmer -stopwords-handler \\\"weka.core.stopwords.Null \\\" -I 2 -U -tokenizer \\\"weka.core.tokenizers.TweetNLPTokenizer \\\"\" -F \"weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Reorder -R 5-last,4\"" -W weka.classifiers.functions.LibLINEAR -- -S 12 -C 1.0 -E 0.001 -B 1.0 -L 0.1 -I 1000

Make sure that the LibLinear Weka package is properly installed. Note: the snippet from above may look cryptic. Bear in mind that you can configure your classifier from the WEKA GUI and then copy the resulting configuration to the command line.

  1. Convert the predictions into the task format:
python 1 2018-EI-reg-En-anger-dev.txt EI-reg-En-anger-weka-predictions.csv EI-reg_en_anger_pred.txt
  1. Evaluate the predictions:
python 1 EI-reg_en_anger_pred.txt 2018-EI-reg-En-anger-dev.txt 

SVM Classification on EI-oc-En Anger

In this example we will train an SVM classifier (from LibLinear) on EI-oc-En-anger-train using unigrams as features. We will deploy the classifier on the corresponding development set.

  1. Convert training and dev sets into arff format:
python ../workspace/SemEval_2018_Task_1_Eval/ 2 EI-oc-En-anger-train.txt EI-oc-En-anger-train.arff
python ../workspace/SemEval_2018_Task_1_Eval/ 2 2018-EI-oc-En-anger-dev.txt 2018-EI-oc-En-anger-dev.arff
  1. Train the classifier using Weka and save the predictions made on the dev set as a csv file:
java -Xmx4G -cp $WEKA_FOLDER/weka.jar weka.Run weka.classifiers.meta.FilteredClassifier -t EI-oc-En-anger-train.arff -T 2018-EI-oc-En-anger-dev.arff -classifications "weka.classifiers.evaluation.output.prediction.CSV -use-tab -p first-last -file EI-oc-En-anger-weka-predictions.csv" -F "weka.filters.MultiFilter -F \"weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TweetToSparseFeatureVector -E 5 -D 3 -I 0 -F -M 0 -G 0 -taggerFile $HOME/wekafiles/packages/AffectiveTweets/resources/model.20120919 -wordClustFile $HOME/wekafiles/packages/AffectiveTweets/resources/50mpaths2.txt.gz -Q 1 -stemmer weka.core.stemmers.NullStemmer -stopwords-handler \\\"weka.core.stopwords.Null \\\" -I 2 -U -tokenizer \\\"weka.core.tokenizers.TweetNLPTokenizer \\\"\" -F \"weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Reorder -R 5-last,4\"" -W weka.classifiers.functions.LibLINEAR -- -S 1 -C 1.0 -E 0.001 -B 1.0 -L 0.1 -I 1000 
  1. Convert the predictions into the task format:
python 2 2018-EI-oc-En-anger-dev.txt EI-oc-En-anger-weka-predictions.csv EI-oc_en_anger_pred.txt 
  1. Evaluate the predictions:
python 2  EI-oc_en_anger_pred.txt 2018-EI-oc-En-anger-dev.txt 

Binary Relevance Multi-label Classifier on E-c-En

In this example we will train a binary relevance multi-label model on 2018-E-c-En-train using unigrams as features and an SVM as the base learner. We will deploy the classifier on the corresponding development set. We use MEKA (a Multi-label Extension to WEKA).

  1. Convert training and dev sets into arff format:
python 3 2018-E-c-En-train.txt 2018-E-c-En-train.arff
python 3 2018-E-c-En-dev.txt 2018-E-c-En-dev.arff
  1. Extract unigram features using AffectiveTweets:
java -Xmx4G -cp $WEKA_FOLDER/weka.jar  weka.Run weka.filters.MultiFilter -b -i 2018-E-c-En-train.txt 2018-E-c-En-train.arff -o train_trans.arff -r 2018-E-c-En-dev.txt 2018-E-c-En-dev.arff -s test_trans.arff -F "weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TweetToSparseFeatureVector -E 5 -D 3 -I 0 -F -M 0 -G 0 -taggerFile $HOME/wekafiles/packages/AffectiveTweets/resources/model.20120919 -wordClustFile $HOME/wekafiles/packages/AffectiveTweets/resources/50mpaths2.txt.gz -Q 1 -stemmer weka.core.stemmers.NullStemmer -stopwords-handler \"weka.core.stopwords.Null \" -I 13 -tokenizer \"weka.core.tokenizers.TweetNLPTokenizer \"" -F "weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Reorder -R 1-11,14-last"
  1. Train a BR multi-label model with an SVM as the base learner using MEKA:
java -Xmx4G -jar TrainBR.jar train_trans.arff test_trans.arff 018-E-c-En-dev.txt E-C_en_pred.txt 
  1. Evaluate the predictions:
python 3 E-C_en_pred.txt 2018-E-c-En-dev.txt


SemEval-2018 Task 1 Affect in Tweets Evaluation Script







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