Basic CRUD application to keep track of different tasks created with PostgreSQL.
Classic to do list application to browse on a list of existing tasks and handle create, read, update and delete operation on those tasks. The purpose of this application is to implement the essential building blocks of a CRUD web application using PostgreSQL and React.
Main technologies: Next.js, React, Mantine, node-postgres, Typescript with ES7 syntax.
Using the Luxon library for DateTimes, Modulz for icons, eslint for linting and prettier for code style.
The database contains a single table of 'tasks' that contains all of the tasks that an user has created. The schema of the tasks table is as follows:
- ID: a unique serial integer that serves as the primary key and is automatically generated on each create request.
- Title: the name that identifies the tasks to the user, a varchar(64)
- Description: additional text that clarifies the details of the task, a varchar(256)
- Creation Time: the date when the task was created by the user
In order to perform CRUD operations of the database, we require these 5 API methods:
- /api/tasks
- GET: lists all existing tasks in the database in a single page. In larger databases, it may support search, sorting, filtering, pagination and lazy loading.
- /api/new
- POST: inserts a new task into the tasks database
- /api/tasks/[task_id]
- GET: reads the data for the task in the database and returns it
- PUT: updates the data of the task with a new title and description
- DELETE: deletes the task from the database
- /index: interfaces with the /api/tasks API to show the user all existing tasks, and handles access to those tasks
- /new: interfaces with the /api/new API to create new tasks
- /tasks/[id]: interfaces with the /api/tasks/[id] API to read, update and delete tasks from the database
- Layout.tsx: uniform layout for all pages of the website that includes a navbar
- TasksList.tsx: presents a list of tasks
- TaskView.tsx: presents task details (if they exist) and allows modification and deletion
- CreateTask.tsx: form to create a new task
Video: Nextjs PostgreSQL Typescript CRUD (REST API & Frontend) Video: React, Node y PostgreSQL (PERN Stack) con Material UI
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.