Tutorial to start developing on the project.
cd existing_repo
git remote add <preferred remote name> https://git.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/SWS/lehre/ss-2023/se4ai/project/chatbot-group7.git
git pull <preferred remote name> main
Create Conda environment with pip installed
conda create -n chatbot python=3.10 pip
Activate the environment
conda activate chatbot
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Freeze requirements. We use pip-chill so that only top-level requirements are frozen, this way the requirements stay os-independent.
pip-chill > requirements.txt
Create .env-file inside project folder
touch .env
Open the .env file
nano .env
vi .env
Inside the file fill in the following environment variables
BROWSER_BINARY_LOCATION="C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe"
Before developing activate the conda env
conda activate chatbot
If you want to add new dependencies/requirements assure yourself that
- you got the latest requirements.txt file within the branch
- your conda env is active
- your conda env has all the newest dependencies installed
If this is true install the dependency regularly
pip install <dependency name>
After the installation is finished write a new requirements.txt file
pip-chill > requirements.txt
The requirements.txt file can then be shared regularly via git and installed by all the others. This is also why it is important to check for new dependencies in the file, when pulling code.
streamlit run ./chatbot/Home.py
graph TD
data_integration_pipeline -- uses --> keyword_extraction_tfidf;
keyword_extraction_tfidf -- uses --> text_preprocessing;
data_integration_pipeline -- uses --> vectorstore_controller[instance of vectorstoreController];
data_integration_pipeline -- uses --> pdf_and_text_utils;